archdeacon | arhidiacon | ||||
archduke | arhiduce | ||||
touchdown | aterizarea unui avion | argou în limba engleză | |||
touchdowns | aterizările unui avion | argou în limba engleză | |||
watchdog | ceas de gardă | informatică | |||
watchdog | câine de pază | ||||
watchdog driver | driver pentru ceas de gardă | informatică | |||
watchdog timer | contor pentru ceas de gardă | informatică | |||
witchdoctor | vraci |
Termeni asemănători cu "CHD": cachet, cad, caddie, caddy, cade, cadet, caged, cahoot, cascade, cashed, casket, cassette, cast, cast away, castaway, cat, Cat, Cata, Cate, Catha, Cathe, Cathee, catheti, Cathi, Cathie, cathode, Cathy, Cati, Catie, catty, Caty, caught, ceased, ceded, Chad, Chadd, Chaddie, Chaddy, chased, chased away, chaste, chastity, Chastity, chat, chateau, chatted, chatty, cheat, cheated, check out, check-out, checked, checkout, cheetah, chest, Chet, chewed, chickweed, chided, Chiquita, chit, choked, chokeweed, chucked, chugged, chute, cicada, cicadae, cited, city, co-ed, coached, coast, coat, coated, coaxed, cock-eyed, cockshead, cod, coda, code, coded, Codee, Codi, Codie, Cody, cogitated, cooked, coot, cootie, coquette, Cosetta, Cosette, cosset, cosseted, cost, Costa, Costea, Costi, cot, cote, couched, cowshed, coyote, cud, cudweed, custody, cut, cut away, cut it out, cut out, cute, cutie, cyst, the cheekiest, the cosiest, the coziest, to cascade, to cast, to cede, to chat, to cheat, to check out, to chew at, to chide, to choke out, to cite, to coast, to coat, to code, to coexist, to cogitate, to coquet, to coquette, to cosset, to cost, to couch a hogshead, to cough out, to cut, to cut away, to cut it, to cut it out, to cut out, to cut out dead wood, to cut out the dead wood, to cut teeth.
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