dictionar englez roman


TCB may occur as one of the following three isomersTCB poate apărea în următorii trei izomeri
the quantity of PCBs contained in the equipmentcantitatea de PCB-uri conținută în echipament

Termeni asemănători cu "CB": Caaba, cab, cabby, cafe, cap, cape, cassava, cave, cep, chafe, chaff, chap, chappy, chav, cheap, chef, Chev, Chevy, chickpea, chief, chip, Chip, chive, chop, choppy, chubby, Cip, Cipi, co-op, cob, Cob, Cobb, Cobbie, Cobby, cobby, cobweb, coffee, cohesive, coop, cop, copaiba, copaiva, cope, copy, coup, cove, covey, cowboy, coypu, cub, Cuba, cube, cubeb, cuff, cup, cusp, Cyb, to cab, to cap, to cape, to cave, to chafe, to chaff, to chap, to check off, to check up, to chip, to choke off, to choke up, to chop, to cook up, to coop, to cop, to cope, to copy, to cough up, to cube, to cuff.

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