dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to block.

blocked depositcont blocat
to be blockeda fi blocatconjugări
The feed line must be blocked off.Conducta de alimentare trebuie să fie obturată.

Termeni asemănători cu "Blocked": balked, ballast, baulked, belched, biologist, black as soot, black seed, black suited, blacked, blacked out, blackhead, blackout, blast, blasted, blazed, bleached, blessed, blight, blighted, blockade, blockaded, blockhead, blockout, blushed, bow legged, bulged, bulkhead, the blowsiest, the blowziest, to be all agog to do, to be all set, to be blocked, to be liquidated, to be located, to be lost, to be obliged, to be published, to black out, to blast, to blaze the way, to blight, to block out, to blockade.

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