Este o conjugare a verbului to bless.
blessed | binecuvântat | ||||
blessed | fericit | ||||
blessed | slăvit | ||||
blessed thistle | schinel | Cnicus benedictus; botanică | |||
The Blessed Virgin | Fecioara Binecuvântată | ||||
unblessed with success | eșuat | ||||
unblessed with success | neîncununat de succes |
Termeni asemănători cu "Blessed": balked, ballast, baulked, belched, biologist, black as soot, black seed, black suited, blacked, blacked out, blackhead, blackout, blast, blasted, blazed, bleached, blight, blighted, blockade, blockaded, blocked, blockhead, blockout, blushed, bow legged, bulged, bulkhead, the blowsiest, the blowziest, to be all agog to do, to be all set, to be blocked, to be liquidated, to be located, to be lost, to be obliged, to be published, to black out, to blast, to blaze the way, to blight, to block out, to blockade.
Citat exemplificator în engleză-română
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. (Hamilton Wright Mabie) | Binecuvântat fie anotimpul care reunește întreaga lume într-o conspirație a iubirii. (Hamilton Wright Mabie) |
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