dictionar englez roman


bandwidthlărgime de bandă
bandwidthlățime de bandă
bandwidth allocation protocolprotocol de alocare a lărgimii de bandă
bandwidth competitionconcurență pe lățimea de bandă
bandwidth testtestare lățime de bandă
aggregate bandwidthlățime de bandă cumulată
high-bandwidth digital content protectionprotecție a conținutului digital de bandă largă

Termeni asemănători cu "Bandwidth": b-node, band, banded, bandit, banned, bayonet, beamed, behind, bemoaned, bend, Bendite, beneath, Benedetta, Benetta, Benita, Benito, Bennet, Bennett, Benoite, bent, beyond, beyond it, bind, bindweed, Bobinette, bond, bonded, bone head, Bonita, bonnet, boomed, bound, bounded, bounty, bow window, bummed, bunt, bunted, buoyant, by hand, to band, to bandy, to be above one head, to be behind, to be found, to be in at, to be in at the death, to be in heat, to be in with, to be of one mind, to be of opinion that, to be offended at, to be on heat, to be on it, to be on to, to be wounded, to bend, to bind, to bond, to bound, to bunt.

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