dictionar englez roman


AnalleseAnallesenume feminin
Anallese'slui Anallesenume feminin
the smallestcel mai mărunt
the smallestcel mai mic
the smallestcel mai modest
the smallestcel mai neînsemnat
the smallestcel mai slab
the next smallest radius of curvaturecurbura imediat inferioară
the smallest radius of curvaturecea mai mică curbură

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Alles": Aila's, Aile's, Ailee's, Ailey's, Aili's, ails, al like as, Al's, Alaa's, Alec, Alec's, Alecia, Alecia's, aleck, Aleck, Aleck's, Aleece, Aleece's, Aleecia, Aleecia's, Aleks, Aleks's, ales, Alex, Alex's, Alexa, Alexa's, Alexe, Alexe's, Alexei, Alexei's, Alexi, Alexi's, Alexia, Alexia's, Alexis, Alexis's, Alexuca, Alexuca's, Alexy, Alexy's, alga, algae, Ali's, Alia's, Aliak, Aliak's, alias, Alic, Alic's, Alica, Alica's, Alice, Alice's, Alicea, Alicea's, Alicia, Alicia's, alike, Alis, Alis's, Alisa, Alisa's, Alisha, Alisha's, Alissa, Alissa's, Alix, Alix's, Aliza, Aliza's, all such, Alla's, Allah's, Alley's, Alli's, Allie's, Allis, Allis's, Allissa, Allissa's, Ally's, Allyce, Allyce's, Allys, Allys's, Allyssah, Allyssah's, Aloise, Aloise's, Aloisia, Aloisia's, Aloyce, Aloyce's, Aloysia, Aloysia's, Aloysius, Aloysius's, also, always, Alyce, Alyce's, Alys, Alys's, Alysa, Alysa's, Alyse, Alyse's, Alysha, Alysha's, Alysia, Alysia's, Alyss, Alyss's, Alyssa, Alyssa's, Alyxx, Alyxx's, to allege.

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