dictionar englez roman


the products below, either individually or in combinationprodusele următoare, ca atare sau în amestec
the quantity of the dual-use itemscantității de produse cu dublă utilizare
the residual voids content of each coreconținutul de vid rezidual al fiecărei probe
The tiles are single or dual-layered.Dalele sunt într-un singur strat sau în două.
thermometer graduated from 0 to 100 °Ctermometru gradat de la 0 la 100 °C
updating of list of dual-use itemsactualizarea listei de produse cu dublă utilizare
vacuum-packing of certain individual cutsambalarea în vid a anumitor tranșe individuale
withdrawal in individual casesretragerea în cauze individuale

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Termeni asemănători cu "Dua": D, d-d, D-day, dad, daddy, data, date, dated, Datha, day, day out, Dea, dead, dead heat, dead to the wide, deadhead, deadwood, death, death duty, Dede, Dedie, Dee, Dee Dee, deed, deeded, Deedee, deity, dew, Dew, dewed, Dewey, Dewitt, dewy, dhotee, dhow, Di, did, Didi, Dido, die, diet, Dita, ditto, ditty, Dode, Dodi, Dodie, Dody, doe, Doe, dot, Dot, doted, Doti, dotted, Dotti, Dottie, Dotty, dotty, dowdy, dud, dude, duded, due, due to, duet, duo, duty, DY, dyad, dye, dyed, to date, to deed, to dew, to die, to die out, to die the death, to diet, to do, to do away with, to do duty, to do with, to do without, to dote, to dude, to dye.

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