dictionar englez roman


They defended their country.Și-au apărat țara.
undefendedfără apărare
Whereat are you offended?Ce te-a jignit?
Whereat are you offended?Ce te-a supărat?
Whereat are you offended?De ce te-ai supărat?
Wherein have I offended you?Cu ce anume te-am jignit?
Wherein have I offended you?Cu ce anume te-am supărat?
Wherein have I offended you?Cu ce te-am jignit?
Wherein have I offended you?Cu ce te-am supărat?

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Termeni asemănători cu "fended": faineant, faint, fainted, famed, fan out, fawned, feint, femininity, Fhonda, fiend, find, fined, finite, foamed, fomented, fond, Fondi, fondue, font, found, found out, founded, fount, fumed, fund, fundie, to faint, to fend, to find, to find out, to foment, to found, to fume at.

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