dictionar englez roman


to give one's head for the washinga fi țap ispășitorfamiliar în limba românăconjugări
to give one's head for the washinga plăti oalele spartefamiliar în limba românăconjugări
to give one's head for the washinga trage ponoasele fără a cârtifamiliar în limba românăconjugări
Pull into shape after washing.A se netezi după spălare.
to take in washinga lua rufe de spălat acasăconjugări
Wash with washing solution.Se spală cu soluție de spălare.

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Termeni asemănători cu "Washi": to wag, to wake, to wash, to wash away, to wax, to weigh, to whack, to wheeze, to whisk, to whiz, to whoosh, to wig, to wise, to wish, Wacey, Wacey's, wack, wacks, wacky, wag, wage, wages, waggish, wahoos, wake, Wake, Wake's, wash, Wash, wash away, Wash's, washes, washy, wax, waxes, waxy, Way's, ways, WC, weak, week, weeks, Wes, Wes's, whack, whacks, whacky, wheeze, wheezes, wheezy, Whey Cheese, which, which is, whisk, whiskey, whisks, whisky, whiz, whizes, whizz, whizzes, who is, whois, whose, wick, wicks, wig, wigs, wise, wise guy, wise guys, wises, wish, wishes, wishy washy, wishy-washy, Wojciech, Wojciech's, woozy, wows, wuss, wusses, wussies, wussy, wuzzies, wuzzy, Wye's, WYSIWYG, WYSIWYGs.

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