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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu wrapped
- She has him wrapped around her finger.
- I'd like to have that gift wrapped.
- She wrapped herself in a blanket.
- The city was wrapped in fog.
- He wrapped himself in his overcoat.
- She wrapped her arms around his neck.
- She wrapped some gifts in paper.
- She wrapped the present in paper.
- His wife had him wrapped around her little finger.
- She wrapped her baby in a blanket.
- The salesgirl wrapped the gift for me.
- The children were wrapped up in their game.
- The affair is still wrapped in mystery.
- My mother wrapped the sandwiches in paper.
- The saleswoman queried as she wrapped the gloves.
- Her arms were wrapped around her knees, her chin rested on her locked hands.
- "Who do you belong to?" Wrapped around his feet was a small cat. It was a fluffy grey striped cat.
- On May 18, a young Japanese couple were arrested after their one-year-old baby was found wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in a gutter.
Exemple din articole cu wrapped
- It is difficult to distinguish exactly who has their tentacles wrapped around the collective neck of the Liberal Party these days, Iggy or his NDP Premiers, but what's clear is that they are slowly dragging the party into the abyss.
- Bacon-Wrapped Chicken with Sour Cream Sauce.
- straw wrapped wine bottle.
- I feel so wrapped around his finger, and there is a part of me that wants to do something risky.
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