Fraze exemplificatoare cu Working
- She's working on a book. (Scrie la o carte.)
- She's working worse than I expected. (Lucrează mai rău decât mă așteptam.)
- The clock hasn't been working for days. (Ceasul nu merge de zile întregi.)
- The committee may set up working groups. (Comitetul poate institui grupuri de lucru.)
- The committee may set up working parties. (Comitetul poate organiza grupuri de lucru.)
- The working range of the curve should be described. (Se descrie zona de acțiune a curbei de etalonare.)
- They are working class. (Ei sunt muncitori.)
- They are working in the fields. (Lucrează la câmp.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. (Creierul uman începe să funscționeze în momentul în care te-ai născut și nu se oprește niciodată decât atunci când te ridici să vorbești în public.) - George Jessel
- There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you. (E simplu să fii umorist când tot guvernul lucrează pentru tine.) - Will Rogers
- Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. (A fi împreună este un început. A rămâne împreună este un progres. A lucra împreună este un succes!) - Henry Ford
- As an actor there are times when you're sitting around and wishing you were working, so you've got to just take it when it comes. (Ca actor, sunt momente când stai degeaba și ți-ai dori să lucrezi, așa că pur și simplu trebuie să accepți când se ivește ocazia.) - Rosario Dawson
- I've met actors where you think, if only you could just clean up your act and get it together, people would want to work with you. Some people are so difficult, it's just not worth working with them. (Am întâlnit actori despre care crezi că, dacă pui ordine în jocul actoricesc și te aduni, oamenii vor să lucreze cu tine. Unii sunt așa de dificili că nu merită să lucrezi cu ei.) - Patrick Stewart
- When you're working for a good director, you become subjective and submissive. You become his concubine. All that you're seeking is his pleasure. (Când lucrezi pentru un regizor bun, devii subiectiv și docil. Devii concubina lui. Nu cauți decât să-i fi pe plac.) - Donald Sutherland
- Whatever art form you're working in, it's crucial to see it clearly, to feel it clearly, and not to worry about the results, or how someone else will see it. (Cu orice formă de artă te-ai îndeletnici, e crucial să o vezi limpede, să o simți bine și să nu-ți faci griji legate de rezultate sau cum le va vedea altcineva.) - Omar Epps
- You have to put your own ego aside and do what's right for the role. I've always been willing to do that. I really don't care what I look like as long as it fits with the thing I'm working on. (Trebuie să-ți lași eul deoparte și să faci ceea ce se cuvine pentru un rol. Întotdeauna am fost dornic să fac asta. Chiar nu-mi pasă cum arăt atâta vreme cât se potrivește cu ceea ce lucrez.) - Michael Welch
- When a performance isn't working, it's usually because the actor is trying to do something and they're not able to express their idea very well. It's a muddled expression. (Când o interpretare nu e ceea ce trebuie, se întâmplă de obicei din pricină că actorul încearcă să facă ceva și nu e în stare să-și exprime idea foarte bine. Este o exprimare încâlcită.) - Casey Affleck
- In movies, I have had the opportunity of working with some of the people that I respect very much. (Am avut șansa să joc în filme cu o parte din oamenii pe care îi respect foarte mult.) - Chi McBride
Alte exemple de fraze cu Working
- Those approaching retirement age have the choice of working or not working.
- Are you working?
- He kept on working all the while.
- What are you working for?
- Uh... How's that working?
- He working all right.
- She kept on working.
- He is working on a new novel.
- She kept working.
- How come you're still working?
- She went on working.
- The system is working very well now.
- They went on working for hours.
- Carry on working while I am away.
- You must not smoke while working.
- Please do not use the phone while working.
- Though it was very late, he went on working.
- I have been working since six this morning.
- Although he was exhausted, he had to keep working.
- I'm fed up with working here.
- I've been working there for three months.
- She is working on the problem.
- He has been working very had of late.
- I prefer working to doing nothing.
- I chanced to be working there.
- At last they ceased working.
- Tired as he was, he went on working.
- He is working intently.
- I've been working all day.
- What prevented you from working?
- Is that clock working?
- They have been working on the new building.
- He is my working mate.
- You ought to keep working while you have your health.
- He always hums while working.
- He sang while working.
- He preferred working to doing nothing.
- Because his father was working there.
- He's working at his English.
- You must have been working too hard.
- I'm sure of his working for our company.
- How long have you been working here?
- Working for peanuts is all very well.
- He is working on the new plan.
- He's working on his own behalf.
- I do not like anyone to intrude when I am working.
- I'm working for McDonald's.
- She was tired, but she kept working.
- They want to better their working conditions.
- I'm working in Tokyo now.
- Though she was tired, she kept on working.
- I am working on my new book.
- We are against working on Sundays.
- All of us are working on the case.
- I work/I am working.
- Though he was tired, he kept on working.
- Maybe you are working too hard.
- She kept working even though she was tired.
- Although tired, she kept on working.
- He was tired, but he kept working.
- What kind of working are you doing?
- Why am I working hard?
- I am used to working all night.
- He's not working much at the moment.
- I was too tired to go on working.
- The bellows are is not working.
- I'm working on his car.
- None of the telephones are working.
- She was too tired to go on working.
- What's new with you? How is your new job working out?
- Tired as I was, I went on working.
- He must be working late at the office.
- Some people are working in the fields.
- There is a man working on the farm.
- I'm very tired from working all day.
- He objected to his wife working outside.
- Working to excess will do you harm.
- The phones aren't working.
- Thank you very much for everything while working for the Osaka branch.
- He has been working out to develop his muscles.
- I will start working on July 1.
- He is accustomed to working hard.
- Some farmers are working on the farm.
- The clock was working, but the alarm had not gone off.
- He had been working on his novel for six months when we visited him.
- We stopped working at noon.
- I found him working in the garden.
- I much prefer working at night.
- I am worn out from working all day.
- I have been working for this newspaper for 4 years.
- I am accustomed to working hard.
- He's been working all day long.
- He has been working on a new book for two months.
- It is doubtful if we can get the engine working.
- The deal I was working on fell through.
- I am working with full steam.
- We are working for world peace.
- He ruined his health by working too much.
- He's in his element when working on the farm.
- I'm tired of working a nine-to-five job.
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