Fraze exemplificatoare cu WORD
- A word to the wise is sufficient for them. (Ajunge o măciucă bună la un car de oale.)
- I couldn't get in a word edgeways. (Cu niciun chip nu puteam plasa vreun cuvânt.)
- Many a true word is spoken in jest. (În fiecare glumă e un grăunte de adevăr.)
- One's word is as good as one's bond. (Pe cuvântul său te poți bizui.)
- Take my word for it! (Pe cuvântul meu!)
- The word "extra" may not be used. (Nu se poate folosi cuvântul "extra".)
- This car is the last word in comfort. (Această mașină este ultimul cuvânt în materie de confort.)
- This word has several meanings. (Cuvântul acesta are mai multe înțelesuri.)
- You can take my word for it! (Îți spun pe cuvânt!)
- You have spelt the word wrong. (Ai scris greșit cuvântul.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- When I hear the word "culture" I reach for my gun. (Când aud cuvântul "cultură", întind mâna după armă.) - Hans Johst
- Sigmund Freud was a half baked Viennese quack. Our literature, culture, and the the films of Woody Allen would be better today if Freud had never written a word. (Sigmund Freud era un vienez pe jumătate copt care abera. Literatura și cultura noastră și filmele lui Woody Allen ar fi fost mai bune dacă Freud n-ar fi scris nimic.) - Ian Shoales
- The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word. (Dansul este un poem în care fiecare mișcare este un cuvânt.) - Mata Hari
- The word "happiness" would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. (Cuvântul "fericire" și-ar pierde înțelesul dacă nu l-am compara cu tristețea.) - Carl Gustav Jung
- Reality is only just a word. (Realitate este doar un cuvânt.) - Harry Chapin
- Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more. You should never wish to do less. (Datoria este cuvântul cel mai sublim din limba engleză. Trebuie să îți faci datoria în toate privințele. Niciodată nu poți face mai mult. Niciodată să nu îți dorești mai puțin.) - Robert E. Lee
- When you hear a kind word spoken about a friend, tell him so. (Atunci când auzi vorbindu-se de bine despre un prieten, spune-i.) - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
- I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution. (Am învățat să folosesc cuvântul "imposibil" cu cea mai mare precauție.) - Hal Borland
- Affectation is a very good word when someone does not wish to confess to what he would none the less like to believe of himself. (Afectare este un cuvânt foarte bun când cineva nu vrea să mărturisească ceea ce i-ar placea, totuși, să creadă despre el însuși.) - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- Every step toward Christ kills a doubt. Every thought, word, and deed for Him carries you away from discouragement. (Fiecare pas către Hristos strivește o îndoială. Fiecare gând, cuvânt și faptă pentru El înlătură deznădejdea.) - Theodore Ledyard Cuyler
Alte exemple de fraze cu WORD
- Don't translate English into Japanese word for word.
- The detective took down his testimony on the spot, word for word.
- I want this contract translated word for word.
- Translate the passage word for word.
- She translated it word for word.
- You can't believe a word of it.
- Like is hardly the word.
- Can I take your word for it?
- The right word for this does not come to me.
- You may take my word for it.
- I tried to get down every word he said.
- You can not believe a word he says.
- He never keeps his word.
- He always keeps his word.
- He always says one word too many.
- He keeps his word.
- His last word let everybody down.
- Can I have a word with you?
- You cannot believe a word he says.
- Just take my word for it.
- Upon my word I will do it.
- I took him at his word.
- This word has gone out of use.
- This word is still in use.
- Take my word for it.
- You can take her at her word on that.
- How would you take these word?
- I always keep my word.
- You should always keep your word.
- I would like to have a word with you.
- I'd like to have a word with you.
- So far as I know, there is no such word.
- What does this word mean?
- So far as I know, there is no such word.
- As far as I know, they always keep their word.
- You had better look up the word.
- I took your word for it.
- She always keeps her word.
- Be better than one's word.
- I just came up with the word.
- You can't believe a word of that.
- How do you say this word?
- You can believe him to keep his word.
- He did not say a word to us.
- He went out without saying a word.
- She went out without saying a word.
- He went away without saying a word.
- Not a word did she say to me.
- What does that word mean?
- An Englishman would not use such a word.
- Do you use a word processor?
- If you want to know how a certain word is used, look it up in this dictionary.
- I can't trust in his word.
- Say the word any time.
- Was that word appropriate in that situation?
- I would like to use your word processor.
- "Performed" is the right word.
- I know every word on this page.
- She took offence at my word.
- What I want is a word processor.
- He is, in a word, a poet.
- What is the meaning of this word?
- When the word is out, it belongs to another.
- She tried to take down every word the teacher said.
- A word to the wise is enough.
- She will not stick to her word.
- I'd take anybody apart who dared to say a word against her.
- You must be faithful to your word.
- Can anyone pronounce this word?
- Can you clearly define this word?
- Can you tell me what this word means?
- This word has two meanings.
- Do you know the meaning of this word?
- Do you know how to pronounce this word?
- This word is not in common use.
- How do you pronounce this word?
- This word is not in current use.
- How is the word accented?
- In a word, he tires of everything.
- I wish to say a word of apology.
- You will keep your word, won't you?
- May I use this word processor?
- It is very important to keep your word.
- Please tell me how to pronounce this word.
- This word does not translate well.
- She is, in a word, a dreamer.
- Is this word in common use?
- This word comes from Greek.
- He is, in a word, a utopian.
- It is foolish to take his word seriously.
- It is not wise to go by his word.
- He is so honest that he always keeps his word.
- He sent word that he'd be delayed.
- I took it for granted that he would keep his word.
- You must not rely on his word.
- He is as good as his word.
- He is a man of his word, so if he said he'd help, he will.
- It is doubtful whether he will keep his word.
- His word can be summarized as follows.
- His word were as follow.
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