Fraze exemplificatoare cu THIN
- The thin cord is purely decorative. (Șiretul este pur decorativ.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Baloney is the unvarnished lie laid on so thick you hate it. Blarney is flattery laid on so thin you love it. (Aiureala e minciună nepoleită așezată într-un strat atât de gros că îți provoacă ura. Lingușirea este flatare așezată într-un strat atât de subțire încât te face s-o iubești.) - Fulton John Sheen
- I like writing better. Because I don't have to wear makeup, I don't have to be thin, and I don't have to remember lines. (Îmi place mai mult să scriu, căci nu trebuie să mă machiez, nu trebuie să fiu subțirică și nu trebuie să-mi amintesc replici.) - Fran Drescher
- There's a thin line between interesting music and self-indulgence. (Există un hotar firav între muzica interesantă și auto-îngăduință.) - Larry Mullen Jr.
- There were times when my pants were so thin, I could sit on a dime and know if it was heads or tails. (A existat o perioadă când pantalonii mei erau așa de subțiri încât puteam să mă așez pe o monedă și să spun dacă e cap sau pajură.) - Spencer Tracy
- Life is a jar, where the honey is just a thin layer on top. (Viața este un borcan de sticlă, cu un strat subțire de miere înăuntru.) - Kazimierz Matan
Alte exemple de fraze cu THIN
- The moon grew from a thin new moon to a full moon, then waned back to a thin cresent. When there was no moon she watched the stars.
- She wants to become thin very much.
- Stay thin.
- They are short and thin.
- This soup is too thin for me.
- She is more thin than slender.
- She was as thin as a rail.
- He was painfully thin.
- While he was sick, he became very thin.
- He has become thin beyond all recognition.
- I used to be thin when I was young.
- He does want to be a wrestler, but he is too thin.
- His voice is as thin even though he is fat.
- There was thin ice on the lake.
- My sister is thin, but I'm a little overweight.
- His shoes are wearing thin.
- This thin book is mine.
- They don't like their steaks thin.
- I'll stand by you through thick and thin.
- One book is thin, and the other is thick.
- The ice is too thin to skate on.
- Helen does not eat enough and she is getting thin.
- She became thin worrying about his matters.
- In such thin clothes, are you warm enough?
- She disappeared into thin air.
- Cut the meat into thin slices.
- The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
- The gold was beaten into thin plates.
- While I was at it, I felt as if I was walking on thin ice.
- The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
- Aren't you stretched pretty thin already?
- The dog is brown, small and thin.
- This ice is too thin to bear your weight.
- Faults are thick where love is thin.
- Cut into long thin strips.
- That's because the bubble vanished into thin air.
- Terumi gave me a thin smile again.
- You'll catch cold in such thin clothing.
- My bicycle disappeared into thin air.
- The air on top of the mountain was very thin.
- Making nothing of the cold he went out in thin clothes.
- The ice is so thin that it won't bear your weight.
- She wore such thin clothes that she might well catch a cold.
- The air is thin at the top of a high mountain.
- If you want to become thin, you should cut back on the between-meal snacks.
- The thin man took a rest in the shade of a shrine.
- The ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight.
- The thin man paused in the shade with his knees a little bent.
- She was a tall, thin girl with long, soft brown hair.
- He had a little piano on wheels, and a poor thin monkey which sat on top of it.
- Fiber-optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs.
- One book is thin. The other is thick. The thick one has about 200 pages.
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