Fraze exemplificatoare cu so
- And so what? (Și ce dacă?)
- As you brew, so drink. (Cum îți vei așterne, așa vei dormi.)
- Be so kind as to open the window. (Fii drăguț și deschide fereastra.)
- Be so kind as to write. (Fii bun și scrie.)
- Come on, play with me, I'm so bored! (Hai, joacă-te cu mine, sunt atât de plictisit!)
- Don't be so tragic about it! (N-o lua chiar așa în tragic!)
- Don't be so tragical about it! (N-o lua chiar așa în tragic!)
- Except that here, it's not so simple. (Doar că, în cazul acesta, nu mai este atât de simplu.)
- He is not near so strong as you. (Nu e nici pe departe atât de puternic ca tine.)
- He is nowhere near so strong as you. (Nu e nici pe departe atât de puternic ca tine.)
- I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. (Am așa mult de lucru că o să mai rămân o oră.)
- I think so too. (Și eu cred asta.)
- I'm not so sure. (Nu sunt sigur.)
- I'm so fat! (Sunt atât de gras!)
- It gets me how he can be so stupid. (Îmi ies din sărite când îl văd așa de prost.)
- It's so hot that you could bake an egg on the hood of a car. (E atât de cald încât ai putea prăji un ou pe capota mașinii.)
- Nobody has so much to worry them. (Nimeni nu are atâtea griji.)
- Pray, don't speak so loud. (Te rog, nu vorbi așa de tare.)
- Say not so ! (Zi că n-am dreptate !)
- She doesn't want to work so hard. (N-ar trebui să muncească atât de mult.)
- She told me so herself. (Mi-a spus chiar ea.)
- So far, so good. (Până aici toate bune.)
- So many countries, so many customs. (Câte bordeie, atâtea obiceie.)
- So many men, so many minds. (Câte capete, atâtea păreri.)
- So said, so done. (Zis și făcut.)
- Thank you ever so much! (Mulțumesc foarte mult!)
- Thank you so much. (Vă mulțumesc foarte mult.)
- The devil is not so black as he is painted. (Nu e dracul chiar atât de negru cum se spune.)
- The gate's locked, so plainly he isn't at home. (Poarta era încuiată, e limpede că nu e acasă.)
- The hill was so high that we couldn't climb it. (Muntele era așa de înalt, încât nu am putut să-l urcăm.)
- The pot goes so long to the water that it is broken at last. (Urciorul nu merge de multe ori la apă.)
- They are so alike, I can never tell which is which. (Seamănă atât de mult, încât nu-i pot deosebi.)
- They nailed up the door so nobody could open it. (Au bătut ușa în cuie ca să n-o poată deschide nimeni.)
- This song is so moving that it brings tears to my eyes. (Cântecul acesta este atât de emoționant încât mă face sa plâng.)
- We are puzzled and so are you. (Sunteți la fel de nedumeriți ca și noi.)
- We'll get hell from our parents for staying out so late. (O să dăm de naiba cu părinții noștri pentru că venim atât de târziu acasă.)
- We'll work it so that we can all go together. (O să aranjăm noi în așa fel încât să mergem împreună.)
- Well, I am so glad! (Vai, ce bine-mi pare!)
- What keeps you up so late? (De ce esti treaz la o oră așa târzie?)
- When we are small, everything seems so big. (Când suntem mici, totul pare atât de mare.)
- Why is life so full of suffering? (De ce este viața plină de suferințe?)
- You shouldn't insist so much on it. (N-ar trebui să te legi de asta.)
- You shouldn't insist so much upon it. (N-ar trebui să te legi de asta.)
- You'll wind up in hospital if you drive so fast. (Ai să ajungi la spital dacă mai conduci atât de repede.)
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Couldn't select: Table 'citatep_citatepedia.z_citatepedia_eng' doesn't existExemple din articole cu so
- You wouldn't think Rex Ryan shooting his mouth off would draw so much ire from the Giants, but it did.
- They got one to win the league at Old Trafford last season so that's a worry.
- MegaBus has been expanding fast in the past few years, so it's hard to tell how gas prices might affect growth.
- The Weinstein Company has acquired distribution rights to the Miley Cyrus grown-up comedy So Undercover.
- The Weinstein Company has acquired US distribution rights to So Undercover, the Tom Vaughan-directed action comedy that stars Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Mike O'Malley and Kelly Osbourne.
- While there are so many audience data and targeting platforms out there who can all more or less make the same promises of efficiency, reach and transparency, give or take a few degrees, Adobe's Langie said the .
- So we can conclude that the planned time of attack isn't somewhen next year.
- The exception is the generally cautious Allan Mitchell of Lowetide, who has come around to Penner's side so ardently that he's now predicting another leap in official production for the Flying Fridge, with Penner scoring 35 goals and 35 .
- Interest rates are hovering near record lows, so investors looking for higher returns will have to look beyond interest-bearing assets like CDs and money-market funds.
- I felt so alone back then.
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