Fraze exemplificatoare cu set
- Bishop has set his foot in it. (S-a ars mâncarea.)
- Shall we set it down to caprice ? (Să punem aceasta pe seama capriciului ?)
- The TSI is set out in the Annex to this Decision. (STI este prezentată în anexa la prezenta decizie.)
- The bus stopped to set down an old man. (Autobuzul se opri ca să coboare un om bătrân.)
- The committee may set up working groups. (Comitetul poate institui grupuri de lucru.)
- The committee may set up working parties. (Comitetul poate organiza grupuri de lucru.)
- The decision shall set out the grounds on which it is based. (Decizia stabilește motivele pe care se întemeiază.)
- The group may set up subgroups. (Grupul poate constitui subgrupuri de lucru.)
- The limits set out in paragraph 2 shall apply. (Se aplică limitările prevăzute la alineatul (2))
- The list of petroleum products is set out in the annex. (Lista produselor petroliere figurează în anexă.)
- The list of transactions is set out in annex. (Lista tranzacțiilor este prezentată în anexă.)
- The methods of analysis are set out in the annex. (Metodele de analiză sunt definite în anexă.)
- The model passport is set out in annex I. (Pașaportul tip este prevăzut de anexa I.)
- The reference to the standard is set out in Annex 1. (Trimiterea la standard figurează în anexa 1.)
- The reference to the standard is set out in the Annex 1. (Trimiterea la standard figurează în anexa 1.)
- The reference to the standard is set out in the annex. (Trimiterea la standard figurează în anexă.)
- The requirements set out in annex 1 shall not apply. (Cerințele stabilite în anexa 1 nu se aplică.)
- The set is no full. (Seria nu este completă.)
- The text of the Convention is set out in Annex A. (Textul convenției figurează la anexa A.)
- The text of the Parallel Agreement is set out as Annex I. (Textul acordului paralel este prevăzut în anexa I.)
- The text of the Protocol is set out in Annex I. (Textul protocolului este inclus în anexa I.)
- The text of the statutes is set out in the annex hereto. (Textul statutului figurează în anexă.)
- The train was set down to leave at seven. (Trenul urma să plece la șapte.)
- The vessel set on dolphins. (Nava a încercuit delfini.)
- There wants only a spark to set all aflame. (E nevoie de o singură scânteie ca să izbucnească focul.)
- They watched the sun set behind the mountains. (Priveau soarele care asfințea îndărătul munților.)
- This is set out at point 2 below. (Aceasta este stabilită la punctul 2 de mai jos.)
- To this end an ad hoc committee shall be set up. (În acest scop se instituie un comitet ad hoc.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right. (Adevăratul secret al oferirii unui sfat este că, după ce l-ai oferit sincer, trebuie să-ți fie total indiferent dacă este ascultat sau nu, și să nu insiști niciodată să-i corectezi pe ceilalți.) - Hannah Whitall Smith
- If we long to believe that the stars rise and set for us, that we are the reason there is a Universe, does science do us a disservice in deflating our conceits? (Dacă ne dorim să credem că stelele răsar și apun pentru noi, că noi suntem motivul pentru care există Universul, știința ne face cumva un deserviciu deziluzionându-ne trufia?) - Carl Sagan
- For he who sees a need but waits to be asked is already set on cruel refusal. (Singura condiție pentru a câștiga dreptul de a crea este credința în propria vocație, dorința de a fi de ajutor și refuzul de a face vreun compromis.) - Andrei Tarkovsky
- The wise man does not permit himself to set up even in his own mind any comparisons of his friends. His friendship is capable of going to extremes with many people, evoked as it is by many qualities. (Omul înțelept nu își permite nici măcar în gând să își compare prietenii. Prietenia sa este capabilă să meargă până la extreme în cazul multor oameni, lucru dovedit de multe calități.) - Charles Dudley Warner
- The human brain is like a TV set. When it goes blank, it's time to turn off the sound. (Creierul uman e ca un televizor, când îi dispare imaginea trebuie dat pe mut.) - Pat Elphinstone
- It's amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions. (Este uimitor ce pot face oamenii obișnuiți dacă se apucă de treabă fără idei preconcepute.) - Charles F. Kettering
- Those who set out nobly to be their brother's keeper sometimes end up by becoming his jailer. Every emancipation has in it the seeds of a new slavery, and every truth easily becomes a lie. (Cei mai buni prieteni devin deseori dușmani de temut. Emanciparea poartă in sine sâmburele unui nou tip de sclavie, iar adevărul devine cu ușurință minciună.) - I.F.Stone
- The secret of living a life of excellence is merely a matter of thinking thoughts of excellence. Really, it's a matter of programming our minds with the kind of information that will set us free. (Secretul unei vieți desăvârșite stă doar în a gândi într-un mod desăvârșit. Atât: e doar o chestiune de a ne programa mințile prin folosirea acelor informații care ne vor elibera.) - Charles Swindoll
- I wanted people to come see my concerts one day. So I set my sights on getting my music out there and getting a record deal. (Am vrut ca într-o bună zi oamenii să vină să-mi vadă concertele. Așa că am căutat să-mi fac publică muzica mea și să închei un contract cu o casă de înregistrări.) - Sarah Connor
- I like directors who come on the set and create something that's a little dangerous, difficult or unusual. (Îmi plac regizorii care vin pe platoul de firmare și dau naștere unui lucru puțin periculos, dificil sau neobișnuit.) - Elia Kazan
Alte exemple de fraze cu set
- For code type locks that don't need a key there are 'free dial' systems where you can set any number you like and fixed types where the number if set in advance.
- Set it down there.
- This TV set is the best of all.
- We had to do without a TV set.
- Get set.
- Set off right now.
- You had better set off at once.
- You'd better set off at once.
- We're going to set off at four.
- Are you ready to set off?
- She set it aside for future use.
- She was set on quitting.
- The guide said that we had better set out as soon as possible.
- We set out for home.
- I'm just about to set off for the station.
- Set the clock right.
- Please set me down at the next corner.
- I have my own stereo set.
- He set out for Tokyo.
- The moon has set.
- Strike the set.
- We may as well set to work at once.
- Set the table at once.
- A shampoo and a set, please.
- I will set about my task at once.
- This will set a good example.
- Something is the matter with this TV set.
- Let's set up a sign here.
- Do you think your mom could set me up, too?
- You will get a CD set on your birthday.
- You must help set the table.
- You have only to set out on a trip by yourself.
- You're so set in your ways!
- Whatever you say will set her off crying.
- I'm all set to start.
- May I set the table?
- She set out for Thailand.
- He has just set out toward town.
- They set out for London.
- He set about his work.
- He set us by the ears.
- His eyes are set.
- He set up in business.
- He has set up a new business.
- They set out on a picnic.
- He set out at four in the morning.
- Probably she tried to set you against her friends.
- He set himself up in life.
- He set up as a butcher.
- He set out on his travels again.
- He set out on a trip.
- They set to work at once.
- He has set down everything that happened.
- He set off for London.
- She set about her homework at once.
- The sun was about to set.
- The sun is about to set.
- They set aside her objections.
- He set me up for the scandal.
- They will set up a new company.
- Money set them against each other.
- They set up a school.
- He has set out for Canada.
- He set all offers aside.
- He set up the school.
- He set about the work.
- He set out his reasons clearly.
- They set off fireworks.
- He set off to Paris.
- They set out for New York.
- You've set a bad example.
- Are you all set for the trip?
- Don't have me set.
- They set out last night.
- Can you set up the bike?
- He set up for learning.
- On your mark, get set, go!
- I've finally got the whole set!
- There is no more room for a TV set.
- The party set out for Kobe.
- We set up the tent next to the river.
- She set the tray down on the table.
- I hear you'll set up a new company.
- The sun set below the dam.
- Please return one set to us with your signature.
- She set about writing the essay.
- They set the prisoner at liberty.
- It seems that the rainy season has set in.
- The rainy season has set in.
- They set out on an arctic expedition.
- After lunch, set out for the next destination.
- Someone set fire to the house.
- They could not set out because it snowed heavily.
- As soon as their meeting was over, they set to work.
- She asked him to adjust the TV set.
- Why don't you carry out what you've set out to do?
- Vocational schools were set up one after another.
- She set a child in the chair.
- She has a set of irregular teeth.
- My friends set off to America.
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