Fraze exemplificatoare cu sense
- What's the sense of doing that? (Ce sens are să facă asta?)
- Where is the sense of it? (E vreo rațiune?)
Citate exemplificatoare
- I have no sense of patriotism, but I do have a sense of community. (Nu am niciun sentiment patriotic, dar am simțul comunității.) - Chrissie Hynde
- The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. (Pendulul minții oscilează între sens și nonsens, nu între bine și rău.) - Carl Gustav Jung
- Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. (Respectul de sine este fructul disciplinei; simțul demnității crește cu capacitatea de a-ți spune singur nu.) - Abraham Heschel
- I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense. (Văd viața ca pe o carte bună. Cu cât parcurgi mai mult din ea, cu atât mai mult începe să aibă sens.) - Harold S. Kushner
- Whatever else an American believes or disbelieves about himself, he is absolutely sure he has a sense of humor. (Indiferent de ceea ce crede sau nu crede un American despre el însuși, e absolut convins că are simțul umorului.) - E.B. White
- Now begins a torrent of words and a trickling of sense. (Acum începe un șuvoi de cuvinte și o picurare de simțuri.) - Teocrit din Chios
- Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense. (Zeii sunt lucruri fragile; îi poate ucide o rafală de știință sau o doză de bun simț.) - Chapman Cohen
- I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. (Nu mă simt obligat să cred că același Dumnezeu, care ne-a înzestrat cu simțuri, rațiune și intelect, ar pretinde să nu le folosim.) - Galileo Galilei
- Pride is a spiritual Cancer: It eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense. (Mândria este un cancer al sufletului: distruge posibilitatea iubirii, sau a fericirii sau chiar a bunului simț.) - C.S. Lewis
- Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy which sustained him through temporary periods of joy. (Fiind irlandez, avea un simț al tragediei durabil, ce îl însoțea pe parcursul scurtelor perioade de fericire.) - William Butler Yeats
Alte exemple de fraze cu sense
- An earlier sense of a word need not be its present basic sense.
- He is right in a sense.
- In a sense, she is right, too.
- I had enough sense to get out of there.
- In a sense you are right.
- What she says is right in a sense.
- You're right in a sense.
- In a sense, you are wrong.
- He is an artist in a sense.
- He is a genius in a sense.
- In a sense, it is true.
- In a sense what he says is true.
- Am I making sense?
- He has no sense of right and wrong.
- This makes no sense.
- I can't make any sense of this.
- He has no common sense.
- She has no sense of beauty.
- He has a sense of humor.
- What you said does not make sense.
- He has no sense of humor.
- He makes sense.
- It is important to have a sense of your own.
- I didn't have the sense to do so.
- I took it in a literal sense.
- Who that has common sense can believe it?
- I think what he said is true in a sense.
- What he says makes no sense at all.
- What he said is, in a sense, true.
- He has no sense of economy.
- You have a sense of humor.
- What you say is true in a sense.
- What you say does not make any sense to me.
- What you said is, in a sense, true.
- A man of his sense.
- What he says is true in a sense.
- What he says does not make any sense.
- Can you make sense of what he says?
- What he said is true in a sense.
- What he is saying does not make sense.
- She has no sense of the beautiful.
- She has a sense of humor.
- They have no sense of sin.
- What you are saying does not make sense.
- She has no sense of duty.
- I am nervous in a sense.
- What she said did not make sense.
- She has a sense of fashion.
- She looks down on me for not having a sense of humor.
- He has no sense of direction.
- That's common sense.
- It is true in a sense.
- Have you lost your sense to say so?
- You have no sense of direction.
- Let your sense of who chooses.
- That makes no sense at all.
- A man of sense would be ashamed to do so.
- He had a magnificent sense of humor.
- I can't make any sense of this letter.
- A sensible person is one who uses good sense.
- His speech made no sense to me.
- He is devoid of common sense.
- He has a great sense of humour.
- Poverty is, in a sense, a blessing.
- She is lacking in sense of beauty.
- He lacks moral sense.
- What he is saying doesn't make sense.
- That just doesn't make sense to me.
- Who that has common sense can believe such a thing?
- Who, that has common sense, would do such a thing?
- What is it that satisfies your aesthetic sense?
- I have a good sense of smell.
- Nobody that has any common sense would think of doing such nonsense.
- If you have any sense, cancel the trip.
- Most Americans have a sense of humor.
- An animal has no moral sense.
- By the look in your eyes, I sense that you have gotten your back up.
- What he said in his interview makes sense.
- I can't make sense of these sentences.
- Nobody wants his sense of worth to be damaged.
- She knew it by a sixth sense.
- What she wrote is true in a sense.
- He used the word in a good sense.
- He became so excited that what he said made no sense at all.
- He is dead to all sense of shame.
- He is a person with good sense.
- His sense of guilt was diminished.
- He has more sense than to say such a foolish thing.
- He is wanting in common sense.
- He is lacking in common sense.
- He must be lacking in common sense.
- He is endowed with a sense of humor.
- I account him to be a man of sense.
- We all thought she was devoid of sense.
- I think she has a fair amount of sense.
- He is in a sense a representative of his company.
- It is a pity that he no sense of humor.
- She is devoid of common sense.
- He has a very good sense of humor.
- She has a delightful sense of humor.
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