Fraze exemplificatoare cu sample
- The pH of each sample should be recorded. (Se înregistrează pH-ul fiecărei probe.)
- The sample is dried under vacuum. (Proba se usucă în vid.)
- The sample is extracted with 90% methanol. (Proba se extrage cu 90% de metanol.)
- The sample is extracted with acidified methanol. (Proba se prelevează cu metanol oxidat.)
- The sample is extracted with light petroleum. (Proba se extrage prin eter de petrol.)
- The sample is hydrolised when hot with hydrochloric acid. (Proba se hidrolizează la cald cu acid clorhidric.)
- The sample is subjected to extraction with chloroform. (Proba este supusă extracției cu cloroform.)
- The sample is treated under heating with hydrochloric acid. (Proba se tratează la cald cu acid clorhidric.)
- The sample must be homogenized before it is analyzed. (Proba trebuie omogenizată înainte de analiză.)
- The sample must weigh at least 100 g. (Mostra trebuie să cântărească cel puțin 100 g.)
- The sample shall be made homogeneous prior to analysis. (Proba se omogenizează înainte de analiză.)
- The sample thus obtained can be used. (Proba astfel obținută poate fi utilizată.)
- This partial sample must be weighed. (Această mostră parțială trebuie cântărită.)
- Transfer the solution to a sample vial. (Se transferă soluția într-o fiolă de probă.)
Alte exemple de fraze cu sample
- If you would like to have a sample, please let us know.
- He wrote away for a sample.
- We would now like to have some sample flashlights.
- Could I have a sample taste?
- Let me sample your cake.
- We need a sample in addition to materials.
- He poured in the sample and deposited the $10.00.
- They sent me a sample in answer to my request.
- They took a sample of my blood at the hospital.
- Thank you for your letter of July 25 and the fabric sample.
- Please leave a urine sample in this cup.
- "Let me get a sample," and she transferred part to a petri dish.
- The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.
- This example text is a how-to-write sample, so please add to and delete from it as required before using.
- The opinion poll was based on a random sample of adults.
- Simply put in a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it.
- He went back to the drug store, located the machine, poured in the sample and deposited the $10.00.
- With this tutorial you will use the sample manga to become accustomed to the procedures for seeing the manga including download.
- However, the color was different from the sample color in your catalog.
Exemple din articole cu sample
- In other words, based on sample alone, the CNN/Time poll skews the results 5 to 7 points in the Democrats' direction.
- The first real step Ising your business success of the sample to create a solid business proposal.
- News DangerLoops Drake Studio Drum Sample Kit at on 10/27/2010 - Audiofanzine.
- The good news is, the internet is a plethora of info which can provide you with sample payroll check stubs.
- Below you'll find all of the sales happening at online sample sale sites around the internet.
- Its focus was mostly on Phobos science and plans for next year's launch of the Phobos Sample Return Mission (also known as Phobos-Grunt), on which The Planetary Society will be flying the Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment.
- With that out of the way, on to the sample itself.
- Find and share deals and reviews on FREE sample Doveź Damage Therapy Daily Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner at dealspl.
- Find and share deals and reviews on Free Zantac Sample at dealspl.
- google_ad_section_start -->A Free sample of Purina ONE Dog Food from Walmart.
- Sign up for a free sample of Nivea Touch of Happiness Body Wash.
- Find and share deals and reviews on FREE Sample of Touch of Happiness Body Wash from Nivea at dealspl.
- Find and share deals and reviews on EAS Free Sample Registration at dealspl.
- Get a free sample of Zantac from Walmart.
- Sign up for a free sample of Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Coffee from Walmart.
- Find and share deals and reviews on Free Sample Program at dealspl.
- Free Sample Barbara's Organic Cereal! by cindy on January 3, 2010.
- You can get a free sample of Barbara's Organic Cereal.
- So I am planing to write a Perl script which will create huge sized text file of the sample file which it will receive as first Input parameter.
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