Fraze exemplificatoare cu retain
- The transferor shall retain the original in his records. (Cedentul reține originalul pentru evidența sa.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The three great apostles of practical atheism, that make converts without persecuting, and retain them without preaching, are wealth, health, and power. (Cei trei mari apostoli ai ateismului practic, care convertesc fără să persecute și își mențin adepții fără să le predice, sunt bogăția, sănătatea și puterea.) - Charles Caleb Colton
- The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known. (Acumularea de cunoștințe este întotdeauna de folos pentru intelect, pentru că în acest mod se pot elimina lucrurile inutile și reține cele bune. Pentru că nimic nu poate fi iubit sau urât dacă nu este mai întâi înțeles.) - Leonardo da Vinci
Alte exemple de fraze cu retain
- I'd retain that old hat if I were you.
- If you use a computer, you can retain information.
- These dishes don't retain heat very well.
- He sacrificed his outstanding career to retain his dignity.
Exemple din articole cu retain
- Chicago Bears retain coach Lovie Smith; offensive coordinator Ron Turner out.
- The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that an elderly care program is allowing senior citizens to retain their independence by providing medical care and home assistance through a nonprofit program.
- If you are in legal trouble in Tennessee, or are hoping to avoid legal trouble in the state, you need to retain a Tennessee defense lawyer to assist you.
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