Fraze exemplificatoare cu required
- The following tests are required to be carried out. (Trebuie realizate următoarele încercări.)
- The required certificates must be carried on board. (Certificatele cerute trebuie să se afle la bord.)
- The required documentation shall be checked. (Se verifică documentația necesară.)
- This period is not required to exceed 10 years. (Această perioadă nu trebuie să depășească 10 ani.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition. (Universul nu trebuie să fie în armonie perfectă cu ambiția umană.) - Carl Sagan
- Certainly work is not always required of a man. There is such a thing as a sacred idleness - the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected. (Cu siguranță munca nu este întotdeauna pretinsă unui bărbat. Există un lucru numit indolență sfântă - a cărei cultivare este acum teribil de neglijată.) - G. Macdonald
Alte exemple de fraze cu required
- It required that you help them.
- The police required him to appear.
- They required me to keep silent.
- Courage is required of everyone.
- She was required to step down in the office.
- I required that John leave at once.
- Is physical education a required course?
- A customs declaration is required.
- Another thing that is required is a dictionary.
- He required her to explain how she spent money.
- World history is required for graduation.
- All passengers are required to show their tickets.
- Employees are required to wear uniforms.
- The physical fitness courses are required of everyone.
- Your prompt reply is urgently required.
- When one goes to the notary public's office the following are required.
- Proper qualifications are required for the position.
- Regular attendance is required in that class.
- The solution of the puzzle required no time.
- I'm sorry, sir, but a jacket and tie are required.
- The sick man required constant attention.
- The work required to investigate that is boring and wearisome.
- A high degree of specialization is required in that company.
- Laborers required raising of a salary of the manager.
- The students were required to learn the Constitution by heart.
- The problem with our plan is not so much the cost as it is the time required.
- You are required to provide three months' rent in deposit.
- Reexamination of the data is required to make the formula accurate.
- What I want from Mr Hayashi is the effort required for his actions to live up to his words.
- This example text is a how-to-write sample, so please add to and delete from it as required before using.
- Every experiment required a protected environment and an entirely objective frame of mind.
- Foreigners in general don't need as many compliments as Japanese are required to give each other, and it is good to keep this in mind.
- An individual with an annual income of more than 15 million yen is required to file his or her final tax return in March.
- Career opportunities, flex-time, satellite offices, and more childcare facilities are required to make women at home join the work force.
- For that reason the outcome of the primary nursing care requirement authorization has to relate to the amount of nursing care required.
Exemple din articole cu required
- Next week Live Mesh will release a required update.
- Drug companies intentionally leave out required side effects information on drug ads.
- Lenders Required to Fund Rural Mortgage Guarantees in Kanjorski Bill.
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