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Exemple din articole cu recurved

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru recurved

Small photo of Showy flower with recurved petalsSmall photo of Isolated bone part of upper jaw from pike with many sharp recurved teethSmall photo of Hibiscus hispidissimus ; An outstanding pods after all the petals had fallen, bobbin shape, broken in length when old. seeds inside. Stems, petioles and pedicels armed with recurved prickles.Small photo of Hibiscus hispidissimus ; An outstanding green single leaf, oval, spear-shaped. Deep concave leaf, pointed leaf tip, serrated edge, hairy skin. Stems, petioles & pedicels armed with recurved prickles.Small photo of Hibiscus hispidissimus ; Showing blooming yellow flower, dark red center. There are bobbin shape pods, side by side. Stems, petioles and pedicels armed with recurved prickles.Small photo of Hibiscus hispidissimus ; An outstanding pods after all the petals had fallen, bobbin shape, broken in length when old. seeds inside. Stems, petioles and pedicels armed with recurved prickles.Small photo of Isolated bones and large sharp recurved teeth of a pike on black backgroundSmall photo of Evergreen frangipani, Plumeria obtusa are tropical trees growing to 5m with alluring, fragrant, ivory flowers with smooth, recurved petals and glossy, deep-green, paddle-shaped leaves with a round tipSmall photo of Hibiscus hispidissimus ; Showing reddish petal buds, Turned to yellow with dark red center when blooming. Stems, petioles and pedicels armed with recurved prickles. Leaf is margins coarsely serrate.Small photo of Old original kukri knife used by the nepalese military corp of gurkhas, with a huge steel recurved blade, buffalo horn handle and leather sheathSmall photo of Old original nepalese kukri knife used by the gurkha warriors with a huge steel recurved blade, buffalo horn handle and leather sheathSmall photo of Old original nepalese kukri knife used by the gurkha warriors with a huge steel recurved blade, buffalo horn handle and leather sheathSmall photo of Deep Purple Daylily With Green Throat. Recurved, Fragrant. Hemerocallis 'Wayside King Royale'Small photo of Deep Purple Daylily With Green Throat. Recurved, Fragrant. Hemerocallis 'Wayside King Royale'Small photo of Deep Purple Daylily With Green Throat. Recurved, Fragrant. Hemerocallis 'Wayside King Royale'

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