Fraze exemplificatoare cu Poor
- She's in a poor state of health. (Stă prost cu sănătatea.)
- The child is a poor eater. (Copilul mănâncă prost.)
- The poor boy! (Sărmanul băiat!)
- The poor little puppy had been abandoned. (Sărmanul cățeluș fusese părăsit.)
- The poor must pay for all. (Nu plătește bogatul, ci săracul.)
- The poor soul! (Sărmanul de el!)
- The soil was poor in minerals. (Solul era sărac în minerale.)
- This play is poor stuff. (E o piesă slabă.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The poor are only they who feel poor. (Sărăcia constă în a te simți sărac.) - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business. (O întreprindere care doar face bani este o slabă întreprindere.) - Henry Ford
- Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. (Religia e ceea ce îi ține pe cei săraci să nu-i omoare pe cei bogați.) - Napoleon Bonaparte
- One must be poor to know the luxury of giving! (Trebuie să fii sărac ca să cunoști luxul de a dărui.) - George Eliot
- If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin. (Dacă sărăcia nevoiașilor noștri nu e cauzată de legile naturii, ci de instituțiile noastre, mare e păcatul nostru.) - Charles Darwin
- It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relations. (Este un adevăr trist că până și oamenii mari au rude sărace.) - Charles Dickens
- I have such poor vision I can date anybody. (Am o vedere atât de slabă, încât mă pot duce la întâlnire cu oricine.) - Garry Shandling
- The game of life is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well. (Jocul vieții nu înseamnă să ai o mână bună, ci mai degrabă să joci bine o mână proastă.) - H.T. Leslie
- The honest poor can sometimes forget poverty. The honest rich can never forget it. (Săracul cinstit poate uneori să uite de sărăcie. Bogatul cinstit nu poate s-o uite niciodată.) - G.K. Chesterton
- The greatest and most amiable privilege which the rich enjoy over the poor is that which they exercise the least--the privilege of making others happy. (Cel mai mare și mai de râvnit privilegiu de care se bucură cei bogați spre deosebire de cei săraci este acela pe care îl practică cel mai puțin - privilegiu de a-i face pe alții fericiți.) - Charles Caleb Colton
Alte exemple de fraze cu Poor
- His family was poor, and poor people did not often hear music.
- Your poor memory is due to poor listening habit.
- All of them are not poor.
- He does not know what it is to be poor.
- He know quite well what it is like to be poor.
- Apart from you, we are all poor.
- He was very poor.
- He is as poor as can be.
- What if I am poor?
- He is poor.
- She is as poor as ever.
- You should not look down upon the poor.
- He is said to be very poor.
- He looks as poor as ever.
- Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much.
- They are as poor as can be.
- He is as poor as ever.
- You must not despise someone because they are poor.
- She is poor, but she looks happy.
- She is a poor correspondent.
- I, who am poor, cannot afford it.
- I am nothing but a poor peasant.
- Though he was poor, he was happy.
- Though he was poor, he was none than less happy.
- She is rich but he is poor.
- I'm poor man.
- He doesn't know what it is to be poor.
- Although she is poor, she is satisfied.
- I'm a poor carpenter.
- Don't look down on him merely because he is poor.
- You should never look down upon a man merely because he is poor.
- Being poor, he can't buy it.
- She is a poor cook.
- He is poor, it appears.
- His speech was very poor.
- He was a poor musician.
- She is a friend of the poor.
- She despises him only because he is poor.
- It's all over with poor Tom.
- She is poor, but she is happy.
- He is poor, but he never complains.
- He didn't like being poor.
- We must allow for her poor health.
- He is as poor as a rat.
- I am a poor correspondent.
- Even though they were poor, they were happy.
- I am poor at tennis.
- We should not look down on poor people.
- We know the time when we were poor.
- We were poor, but we were happy.
- I have poor eyesight.
- We must allow for his poor health.
- I was poor at English.
- I am poor at drawing.
- While she is rich, she says she is poor.
- She is a very poor driver.
- He is poor but honest.
- He was happy, poor as he was.
- He is poor but is too proud to ask for help.
- She is a poor sailor.
- I am poor at swimming.
- I have a poor appetite.
- You should never look down on a man merely because he is poor.
- She isn't poor.
- She is rather poor at tennis.
- I am very poor at sports.
- There is no disgrace in being poor.
- Thank you for looking at my poor scribblings.
- I'm not ashamed that I am poor.
- We must not laugh at the poor.
- Don't look down upon them just because they are poor.
- He is rather poor at tennis.
- He is poor to be sure, but he is happy.
- Because all his friends were poor, too.
- What subject are you poor at?
- That is, she is a poor dancer.
- You should never look down on a person merely because he is poor.
- It was a poor concert.
- He is poor at chemistry.
- He is poor, to be sure, but he is happy.
- He always remained poor.
- He is said to have been very poor when he was young.
- Were I rich, I would help the poor.
- He seems to have been poor when he was young.
- His handwriting is poor.
- He has poor eyesight.
- He did has best and still had poor marks.
- Even though he was poor, he was happy
- He never looks down on poor people.
- He is rich and I am poor.
- The poor are not always unhappy.
- Never look down on a man merely because he is poor.
- Poor as he is, he is generous.
- You don't know what it is to be poor.
- I was very poor in those days.
- He was poor and could not buy it.
- Though she is poor, she is happy.
- Don't look down upon others because they are poor.
- He is not ashamed of being poor.
- Poor as he is, he is happy.
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