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Exemple din articole cu palea

Imagini exemplificatoare pentru palea

Small photo of Views from palea kameni in sunny daySmall photo of Views from palea kameni in sunny daySmall photo of Rice is a part of grain (rice) which has been separated from the husk. Chaff (Javanese straw) is anatomically called 'palea' (part covered) and 'lemma' (part that covers).Small photo of Palea kameni, Volcanic Island near SantoriniSmall photo of The sun sets while i was at the small harbour of palea fokeaSmall photo of House in Palea Peritheia, an abandoned village on the Greek island Corfu.Small photo of Abandoned house in Palea Perithia, the oldest village on the Greek island Corfu.Small photo of Beautiful woman short hair asian holding palea plant. Natural product concept.Small photo of Beautiful woman short hair asian holding palea plant over white background.Small photo of Rice is the part of the grain that has been separated from the husk. The husks are anatomically called 'palea' and 'lemma'.Small photo of Rice is part of the grain of rice or that has been separated from the husk. The husk is anatomically called the covered palea and the covering lemma.Small photo of Beautiful woman short hair asian holding palea plant. Natural product concept.Small photo of Rice is the part of the grain that has been separated from the husk. The husks are anatomically called 'palea' and 'lemma'. At one stage of processing the rice harvest, the grain is ground with a mortSmall photo of Rice is the part of the grain that has been separated from the husk. The husks are anatomically called 'palea' and 'lemma'. At one stage of processing the rice harvest, the grain is ground with a mortSmall photo of Rice is the part of the grain that has been separated from the husk. The husks are anatomically called 'palea' and 'lemma'. Rice is a staple food for most Indonesian people.

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