out of
Fraze exemplificatoare cu out of
- Cat is out of the bag. (Taina s-a aflat.)
- Come out of that! (Dezvață-te!)
- Do not lean out of the window. (Nu vă aplecați în afară.)
- Don't halloo till you are out of the wood. (Nu zice hop până n-ai sărit.)
- Get out of here! (Pleacă!)
- Get out of it! (Nu zău!)
- Get out of my road! (Dă-te la o parte!)
- Get out of my sight! (Piei din ochii mei!)
- He cannot punch his way out of a paper bag. (E un nătăfleț.)
- He is out of town. (E plecat din oraș.)
- I'm running out of ideas. (Nu mai am idei.)
- Keep out of my sight! (Să piei din ochii mei!)
- My hand is out of practice. (Nu sunt în mână.)
- One can't get blood out of a stone. (Nu poți scoate lapte din piatră seacă.)
- One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. (Din coadă de câine sită de mătase nu se poate face.)
- One of the chairs is out of position. (Unul dintre scaune nu era la locul lui.)
- Out of sight, out of mind. (Ochii care nu se văd, se uită.)
- She juggled him out of his money. (I-a stors banii.)
- She made the story up out of her own head. (Povestea era născocită de ea.)
- Snap out of it ! (Întinde-o !)
- Snap out of it! (Termină cu asta!)
- Somebody had torn a page out of the book. (Cineva rupsese o foaie din carte.)
- Stay out of it! (Nu te băga!)
- Take your change out of that! (Încaseaz-o!)
- The crops are out of heart. (Recolta merge prost.)
- The shouts woke them out of their sleep. (Țipetele I-au trezit din somn.)
- The time is out of joint. (Trăim vremuri neobișnuite.)
- There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it! (Lac să fie, că broaște-s destule!)
- They ate him out of house and home. (L-au adus la sapă de lemn.)
- We are going to run out of gas. (Ni se va termina benzina în curând.)
- We are not out of the wood yet. (Ne mai așteaptă încă niște greutăți.)
- We ran out of water, wherefore we surrendered. (Ni s-a terminat apa și de aceea a trebuit să ne predăm.)
- We're getting out of here, the cops are coming. (Noi o ștergem de aici, vine poliția.)
- What is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh. (Năravul din fire n-are lecuire.)
- You cannot get blood out of a stone. (De unde nu-i, nici Dumnezeu nu cere.)
- You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. (Din coadă de câine sită de mătase nu se face.)
- You cannot pronounce hom out of danger. (Nu puteți spune că este în afara pericolului.)
- You cannot take blood out of a stone. (De unde nu-i, nici Dumnezeu nu cere.)
- You must have come out of the ark! (De unde ai picat?!)
- You must have come out of the ark. (Parcă ai căzut din lună.)
- You're scarcely out of the shell yet! (De abia ai ieșit din ou!)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Table 'citatep_citatepedia.z_citatepedia_eng' doesn't existExemple din articole cu out of
- The 2001 law creating the TSA gave airports the right to opt out of the TSA program in favor of private screeners after a two-year period.
- Out of Sight is an absolutely beautiful short animation from Taiwan.
- The Carnival Splendor cruise ship on which 4500 passengers and crew members were stuck at sea for several days because of an on-board fire will be out of service until Jan.
- If you want an external trackpad but aren't in the mood to pay the relatively high cost, you can make one out of paper, a graphite pencil, and an Arduino.
- In an act of historical airbrushing, the ex-president leaves a key player out of his account of the CIA leak case.
- SPRINGFIELD - Bob Schillerstrom, one of seven balloted candidates for the Republican gubernatorial nod will drop out of the race at 11 a.
- What this guy fails to mention too is that most of the people that turn to anime, or Japanese stuff as their primary and preferred source of entertainment do it out of a rebellious need to go against the grain.
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