Fraze exemplificatoare cu other
- Any other suggestion is welcome. (Vom saluta orice altă sugestie.)
- Boot is on the other foot. (S-au schimbat rolurile.)
- Boot is on the other leg. (S-au schimbat rolurile.)
- Men cut large thongs of other men's leather. (Fiecare pune bucuros șaua pe iapa vecinului.)
- One hand will not wash the other for nothing. (Frate-frate, dar brânza e pe bani.)
- One or other of us will be there. (Unul sau altul dintre noi va fi acolo.)
- Other days, other ways. (Alte vremuri, alte obiceiuri.)
- Other things, other manners. (Alte vremuri, alte obiceiuri.)
- Somebody or other has seen it. (Nu știu cine a văzut-o.)
- Take the other chair! (Ia celălalt scaun!)
- The book ought to be in the other room. (Cartea ar trebui să fie în cealaltă cameră.)
- The commission shall notify the other member states. (Comisia informează celelalte state membre.)
- The facts permit no other interpretation. (Faptele vorbesc de la sine.)
- The other eye, which remains untreated, serves as a control. (Celălalt ochi, netratat, servește ca martor.)
- The other secondary characteristics are not involved. (Celelalte caracteristici secundare nu intervin.)
- The other transactions are not consolidated. (Celelalte operațiuni nu sunt consolidate.)
- The shoe is on the other foot. (Situația s-a schimbat.)
- There is no knowing what other plans he has. (E imposibil să știi ce planuri are.)
- There is no other place to go to. (Nu există alt loc unde să ne putem duce.)
- They have injuries other than pruning cuts. (Au alte leziuni decât tăieri retezate.)
- They shall assist each other to that end. (Se vor ajuta reciproc în acest scop.)
- To be quiet in class is to respect other people's sleep. (A fi tăcut în clasa înseamnă a respecta somnul celorlți.)
- What other options do I have? (Ce alternative am?)
- Where necessary, other suitable methods may be adopted. (După caz, se pot adopta alte metode adecvate.)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple din articole cu other
- The Putin regime's exploitation of the military theme cannot be called anything other than a tragic farce.
- BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- Jefferson County commissioners, department heads and other officials today interviewed Patrick Thompson, the former county administrator for Hamilton County, Ohio, which contains Cincinnati, for the county's first .
- Bronco Blatherings and Other Digressions - 5/12/11.
- What the US has got going now resembles all the other infamous prison systems of notorious totalitarian regimes.
- My other phone's a dress - The little black number that can dial other numbers.
- After all these years of spelling Metroid a certain way, Nintendo and Team Ninja go and pull an Other M on us.
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