Fraze exemplificatoare cu orchestra
- The orchestra makes discordant noises when tuning up. (Instrumentele din orchestră scot zgomote stridente când sunt acordate.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it. (Nimeni nu poate fluiera o simfonie. E nevoie de o orchestră pentru a o cânta.) - H.E. Luccock
Alte exemple de fraze cu orchestra
- This is the fifth concert by this orchestra.
- You must conduct the orchestra well.
- I'm going to join the school orchestra.
- A conductor directs an orchestra.
- All the orchestra were pleased with their success.
- The orchestra struck up nostalgic music.
- The piece was arranged for piano and orchestra.
- The conductor of this orchestra is a fine musician.
- The orchestra members respected Mr Smith as a conductor.
- The orchestra makes discordant noises when tuning up.
- Do you know the concert schedule of London Symphony Orchestra?
- People came to the concert hall to listen to the famous orchestra.
- Generally speaking, orchestra conductors wear tailcoats at concerts.
- They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly.
- Today's performance of the ABC Symphony Orchestra fell short of my expectations.
Exemple din articole cu orchestra
- The Jadis Orchestra measures 53 x 27 x 20 cm and weighs 20 Kg.
- But it was Aprea and the orchestra that were the most consistently effective element of the production.
- Redlounge Orchestra meets Newton - WRE Sessions, Vol.
- Many orchestras are on the lookout for new ways of engaging younger audiences, and the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra has come up with an idea that is more original than most.
- Mini Orchestra Plays on Microchip Inside CD Case [Music]
- American Express Presale Password Dark Star Orchestra in the Nokia Theatre in Times Square NYPresale Tickets goes on sale at 10 AM at Ticketmaster.
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