Fraze exemplificatoare cu oneself
- Delude oneself into thinking that... (Amăgi singur cu gândul că...)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. (Respectul de sine este fructul disciplinei; simțul demnității crește cu capacitatea de a-ți spune singur nu.) - Abraham Heschel
- It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself. (E nevoie să muncim, dacă nu din înclinație, cel puțin din disperare. Luând în considerare toate aspectele, munca este mai puțin plictisitoare decât distracția.) - Charles Baudelaire
- Sometimes it is harder to deprive oneself of a pain than of a pleasure. (Câteodată e mai greu să te lipsești de o durere decât de o plăcere.) - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Sometimes, indeed, there is such a discrepancy between the genius and his human qualities that one has to ask oneself whether a little less talent might not have been better. (Uneori, într-adevăr, discrepanța dintre geniu și calitățile lui umane este atât de mare, încât trebuie să ne întrebăm dacă nu cumva ar fi fost mai bine să existe ceva mai puțin talent.) - Carl Gustav Jung
- It is regrettable that, among the Rights of Man, the right of contradicting oneself has been forgotten. (Este regretabil faptul că, între Drepturile Omului, dreptul de a se contrazice pe sine a fost uitat.) - Charles Baudelaire
- Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That's what makes me feel good. (Adevărata frumusețe înseamnă să fii sincer cu tine însuți. Asta mă face să mă simt bine.) - Laetitia Casta
- Intelligence is the capacity to perceive the essential, the what is; and to awaken this capacity, in oneself and in others, is education. (Inteligența este capacitatea de a percepe esențialul, ceea ce este și a dezvolta această capacitate, în tine și în alții, înseamnă educație.) - Krishnamurti
- Be a light unto oneself. (Să fii o lumină pentru tine însuți.) - Krishnamurti
- One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself. (O persoană nu poate deține o măiestrie mai mică sau mai mare decât cunoașterea de sine.) - Leonardo da Vinci
Alte exemple de fraze cu oneself
- Keep to oneself.
- To know oneself is very difficult.
- To know oneself is difficult.
- It is difficult to know oneself.
- One should do one's homework by oneself.
- Be master of oneself.
- To know oneself is not easy.
- One should take care of oneself.
- One ought to be true to oneself.
- Clear oneself of a charge.
- One must take good care of oneself.
- Run oneself breathless.
- Make oneself presentable.
- Make an exhibition of oneself.
- Barricade oneself in one's study.
- Fan oneself with one's hat.
- Oneself decides whether it is important.
- Find oneself in a difficult position.
- The most important thing is thinking for oneself.
- To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence.
- Make oneself generally pleasant.
- It is difficult to adapt oneself to sudden changes of temperature.
- The most valuable skill one can acquire is the ability to think for oneself.
- One is apt to think oneself faultless. State the facts as they are.
- He was glad to avail oneself of any means to succeed in life.
Exemple din articole cu oneself
- one need not limit oneself to one past or one future but might travel between many alternate worlds existing in parallel-"one need not limit oneself to one past or one future but might travel between many alternate worlds existing in .
- But if applied oneself into the field, s/he could find really valuable antiquity among cameras within the budget.
- With the value of football footwear can faster search oneself want to football footwear.
- I usually put oneself as the destination.
- Calhoun Conquer (Che) - Lost in Oneself (1989).
- Seeing Oneself Through the Lens of the World.
- The right to evaluate risk for oneself is part of what it means to be a functioning human being.
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