Exemple din articole cu Octavian's
- "I'd probably trust my buddy Octavian's recommendations over Bernhard's (who is more of a hamburger guy, really).
- Octavian's mother was a model of virtue, and lived in fear for his safety, growing so protective that she wanted him to renounce his rights as heir.
- Delivered to the household of Octavian's sister; the siblings cling to each other and to the hope that they will return one day to their rightful place on the throne of Egypt.
- I'd probably trust my buddy Octavian's recommendations over Bernhard's (who is more of a hamburger guy, really).
- I don't remember if there is anything specific about this in the Hofmannsthal-Strauss correspondence, but for me, the best hint about Sophie and Octavian's future is little Mohammed tiptoeing back into the inn to retrieve the .
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