Fraze exemplificatoare cu Nose
- Cold enough to freeze the nose off a brass monkey. (Ger de crapă pietrele.)
- My nose tickles. (Mă mănâncă nasul.)
- Wipe your nose on. (Șterge-ți nasul cu batista.)
- Wipe your nose with your handkerchief. (Șterge-ți nasul cu batista.)
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- You are bleeding at the nose.
- My nose is stuffed up.
- My nose is itchy.
- Your nose is running.
- I have a stuffed-up nose.
- She turned up her nose at him.
- Don't nose about my room.
- I smell with my nose.
- She has a long nose.
- She has a sharp nose.
- I should follow my nose.
- His nose bled.
- His nose is his best feature.
- He leads you by the nose if you let him.
- I can't breathe through my nose.
- Please breathe through your nose.
- I just wanna nose around a bit.
- I have a runny nose.
- You are talking through the nose.
- My nose is running.
- My nose was very runny.
- He has a long nose.
- Don't pick your nose.
- This happened under my nose.
- She blew her nose with her handkerchief.
- He turned up his nose at my suggestion.
- The teacher pokes his nose into everything.
- And you said I didn't have a nose for what's popular.
- My nose runs whenever I have a cold.
- If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty.
- I'm afraid I have a polyp in my nose.
- That reporter has a nose for news.
- She turned up her nose at our offer.
- Please blow your nose prior to seeing me.
- He is suffering from a bad cold in the nose.
- Your nose is running. Blow it.
- The newsman has a nose for news.
- The accident happened under his nose.
- The cat pressed its nose against the window.
- I have to blow my nose all the time.
- Blow your nose with this handkerchief.
- His wife leads him by the nose.
- I sure rubbed your nose in shit.
- I don't mean to poke my nose into your affairs.
- An elephant has a long nose.
- He blew his nose in a handkerchief.
- Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
- His answer was a hard punch on the nose.
- Don't stick your nose into my personal affairs.
- I have a sore throat and runny nose.
- This medicine will do wonders for a runny nose.
- It's difficult to balance a ball on your nose.
- My father is always poking his nose into my private life.
- My mother is always poking her nose into my private life.
- We sat in the nose-bleed-section and could barely see the game.
- Stop sticking your nose into other people's business.
- Carol has a nose for the best Thai cooking anywhere in town.
- Yeah, I've always thought it's as plain as the nose on your face.
- Auto imports will take a nose-dive in the first quarter.
- If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed.
- If you go underwater, hold your nose and blow (to clear your ears).
- The instant I open the lid an offensive smell greets my nose.
- Why don't you mind your own business? What do you gain by sticking your nose into other people's affairs?
- At school I had enjoyed reading Japanese literature in English translation, in particular Soseki's I am a Cat and Kokoro, and Akutagawa's The Nose and Kappa.
- I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"
- Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
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