Exemple din articole cu nonplus
- In online world, there have been assorted nonplus games nowadays.
- One of these sorts have been nonplus games, which have been desired by people by ages since of a thoughts boggling techniques as good as judicious proof capabilities.
- The normal approach is the nonplus which is put together by love.
- Nikoli Publishing House Nikoli is a edition house of a heading Japanese nonplus announcement Monthly Nikolist.
- John Spilsbury is substantially a initial a single to have a jigsaw nonplus ever, he cut a wooden map of a British Empire in to pieces so a kids will know a embankment of a lands Britain ruled.
- Jigsaw nonplus keeps brain alert.
- Once a design is upon a cardboard, a special press or slicing appurtenance is used to mangle a pieces in to most opposite shapes so which a chairman convention a nonplus is challenged.
- Jigsaw puzzle,a tiling nonplus that requires convention tiny numerous, mostly infrequently made interlocking pieces.
- The anticipating offers a new square to the nonplus of how the human brain constructs morality, says Liane Young, a postdoctoral join forces with in MITDepartment of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and lead writer of a paper describing the .
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