Citate exemplificatoare
- Different men seek after happiness in different ways and by different means, and so make for themselves different modes of life and forms of government. (Oameni diferiți caută fericirea în moduri diferite și pe căi diferite, și își fac așadar diferite moduri de viață și forme de guvernare.) - Virginia Woolf
Exemple din articole cu modes
- 505 Games has announced details for all the multiplayer modes that will be available for the upcoming comic mischief game, called Naughty Bear! In addition.
- Mad Mad Modes for Moderns Monday - Summer Style.
- The VinMan demos'all the modes of the major scale.
- Naughty Bear's multiplayer modes are cuddly and deadly Image 1.
- Blend modes in digital image editing are used to determine how two Layers are blended into each other.
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