Fraze exemplificatoare cu making
- The ship was making into port. (Vasul intra în port.)
- They're making too much noise, I can't concentrate. (Ei fac prea mult zgomot, nu mă pot concentra.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy. (Tactul este arta de a face o observație fără a-ți face un dușman.) - Howard W. Newton
- Writing a novel is like making love, but it's also like having a tooth pulled. Pleasure and pain. Sometimes it's like making love while having a tooth pulled. (A scrie un roman este ca și cum ai face dragoste, dar este și ca și cum ai avea un dinte scos. Plăcere și durere. Câteodată este ca și cum ai face dragoste în timp ce ți se scoate un dinte.) - Dean Koontz
- One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. (Un avantaj în a fi dezordonat, este că tot timpul faci descoperiri interesante.) - A.A. Milne
- Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth. (Acum văd care este secretul formării omului ideal. Este să crești în aer liber și să mănânci și să dormi cu pământul.) - Walt Whitman
- I simply cannot understand the passion that some people have for making themselves thoroughly uncomfortable and then boasting about it afterwards. (Pur și simplu nu pot înțelege plăcerea pe care o au unii de a se pune în situații jenante și apoi de a se lăuda cu ce li s-a întâmplat.) - Patricia Moyes
- The cosmos is a gigantic flywheel making 10,000 revolutions per minute. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. (Cosmosul este un volant uriaș care face 10.000 de revoluții pe minut. Omul este o muscă bolnavă care face o călătorie amețitoare în el.) - H.L. Mencken
- Men are the only animals that devote themselves, day in and day out, to making one another unhappy. It is an art like any other. Its virtuosi are called altruists. (Oamenii sunt singurele animale care se dedică zi de zi nefericirii celorlalți. Este o artă ca oricare alta. Virtuozii săi se numesc altruiști.) - H.L. Mencken
- The multitude of books is making us ignorant. (Multitudinea de cărți ne face ignoranți.) - Voltaire
- The greatest and most amiable privilege which the rich enjoy over the poor is that which they exercise the least--the privilege of making others happy. (Cel mai mare și mai de râvnit privilegiu de care se bucură cei bogați spre deosebire de cei săraci este acela pe care îl practică cel mai puțin - privilegiu de a-i face pe alții fericiți.) - Charles Caleb Colton
- We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision. (Putem încerca să evităm să luăm decizii nefăcând nimic, dar până și asta este o decizie.) - Gary Collins
Alte exemple de fraze cu making
- Making a choice always means making a sacrifice, giving up one thing for another.
- How are you making out?
- I was just making sure.
- She is making use of you.
- How ever did he succeed in making it?
- They were always making jokes.
- Do you think he was only making believe that he was sick?
- Is she making a doll?
- Thank you for making the arrangements.
- It is no use making an excuse for this.
- Am I making myself clear?
- She keeps on making the same mistakes.
- Where were you making for last night?
- What are you making all the fuss about?
- You're making yourself appear cheap.
- There's no use making such a thing.
- They are making for the forest.
- I can't help making fun of him.
- This is a bag of her own making.
- This is a problem of his own making.
- This is making me really angry.
- This is a doghouse of my own making.
- It is no use making an excuse like that.
- This is a problem of your own making.
- This problem is of his own making.
- She was making tea.
- Are you making a pass at me?
- I was making a cake.
- Am I making sense?
- You are making history.
- He went about making a doghouse.
- He is making the document now.
- I cannot help but think that you are making a mistake.
- He is used to making speeches.
- Shame is not making that I ask.
- He keeps making the same mistake.
- He is making cookies.
- He is always making a fool of me.
- They were making a fool of me.
- He got fired for making waves too often.
- He was guilty of making a mistake.
- He is afraid of making mistakes.
- He thinks only of making money.
- They insisted on my making use of the opportunity.
- He thinks of nothing but making money.
- Stop making a fuss.
- They insisted on my making use of this opportunity.
- Would you mind making tea for me?
- This is a dress of Mary's own making.
- It's painful making love.
- His work is making watches.
- He watched her making a doll.
- Stop making a fool of yourself.
- Please let us know your conditions for making the concession.
- He knows the art of making friends.
- He never turns up without making a fuss.
- Do you know he is good at making coffee?
- Try to avoid making any more trouble.
- You can be too careful in making this experiment.
- How about making me a cup of tea?
- The insulin was making her fat.
- Nothing gives us so much pleasure as making things ourselves.
- I always have difficulty in making myself understood.
- He has a faculty for making friends.
- Don't just keep making excuses!
- He's making a table in his workshop.
- I'm very slow at making up my mind.
- He was engaged in making a telescope.
- The store is making a mark.
- She accused me of making a mistake.
- Do you mind my making a suggestion?
- We are making plans for the holidays.
- He said, "I will say nothing more, because I hate making excuses."
- Four boys are making their way along the street.
- He is not good at making friends and always keeps to himself.
- Let me tell you this. No one succeeded without making an effort.
- I saw you making eyes at Mr Nagashima.
- Shouldn't even try making sense of it.
- Some of them had a gift for making weapons.
- He is not very fast at making friends.
- He is very slow at making friends with anybody.
- He is clever at making excuses.
- He is making preparations for a trip.
- You need not be afraid of making mistakes.
- It's making a great stir.
- I know the girl who is making cakes.
- Never be afraid of making mistakes.
- You should avoid making such a mistake.
- She is probably just making a mountain out of a molehill again.
- You're forever making mistakes.
- My mother is making a cake.
- She is making an effort at becoming a model.
- She is making progress with her English.
- Making money is his religion.
- She is excellent in making speeches.
- She knows the art of making money.
- She thinks of nothing but making money.
- Mother is making tea for us.
- Why am I the only one they complain of? They're just making an example out of me and using me as a scapegoat.
- Mother is making him a cake.
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