Fraze exemplificatoare cu Luck
- As bad luck would have it. (Din nefericire)
- As ill luck would have it. (Din nefericire)
- Come and take pot luck with us. (Vino la masă la noi, ai să mănânci ce s-o găsi.)
- My luck has turned. (S-a schimbat roata norocului.)
- Ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom. (Mai bine un dram de noroc, decât un car de minte.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu Luck
- It's bad luck to say that.
- Oh, just my luck!
- Please wish me luck.
- You're in luck.
- Luck comes to those who look for it.
- I wish you the best of luck.
- The best of luck to you.
- Luck is against me.
- I envy him his luck.
- Luck smiled on us then.
- And soon your luck will turn for the better.
- I wish you good luck.
- Sooner or later, his luck will run out.
- Good luck to you!
- Don't push your luck.
- Sure. Good luck!
- Don't press your luck, kid.
- Sooner or later he will run out of luck.
- Good luck.
- She always boasts of her luck.
- Best of luck in your tournament.
- Better luck next time.
- Sooner or later his luck will run out.
- He had his share of luck.
- I wish you good luck.
- Come to the end of one's devil's luck.
- Have the devil's own luck.
- Good luck!
- I envy you your luck.
- We had the luck to win the battle.
- Luck out on an examinations.
- What a stroke of luck.
- Don't set your failure down to bad luck.
- I've got the devil's own luck in everything.
- You're in luck because the boss is in.
- He often attributes his failures to bad luck.
- Luck gradually smiled on me.
- I had the luck to find a good job.
- He ascribes his failure to bad luck.
- She attributed her success to luck.
- He attributed his failure to bad luck.
- Don't envy others for their good luck.
- You're in luck. The plane is on time.
- My success was largely due to luck.
- We survived by sheer luck.
- I ordered some books from to luck.
- When Tom lost his wallet, he was out of luck.
- His success was in part due to luck.
- He had the luck to catch the train.
- He had no luck in finding work.
- Alas, what ill luck has befallen me!
- I wish you good luck with your new responsibilities.
- Luck turned in my favor.
- She ascribed her failure to bad luck.
- He ascribes his poverty to bad luck.
- I am happy about your good luck.
- He owes his success only to good luck.
- He owes his success to good luck.
- Is his failure ascribable to incompetence or to bad luck?
- His success was largely due to good luck.
- He attributes his success to good luck.
- He owes his wealth to good luck.
- He attributed his success to good luck.
- His luck has changed, he is going to the dog, but no one even lifts a finger to help him.
- A calamity was avoided by sheer luck.
- Sleep and wait for good luck.
- Having hit a streak of bad luck, my fortune had gone to pot in no time.
- His success was due in part to good luck.
- "Buy a lottery ticket or something?" "Well, I don't think I've got much luck with gambling."
- Lady luck is smiling on me, and I'll be fine.
- A little bit of luck sometimes leads to an unexpected success.
- Good luck alternates with misfortune.
- By good luck, he was in time for the station.
- My efforts have brought me good luck.
- Lady Luck favors the adventuresome.
- She attributed her success to good luck.
- The people exulted over their good luck.
- Our success was due in part to good luck.
- As good luck would have it, a steamer passed by and they were saved.
- Luck plays an important part in your life.
- Luck and hard work are necessary if you want to advance in life.
- He recalled that a collision had been avoided by sheer luck.
- It is through hard work that he succeeded, not through good luck.
- This book is my good luck charm, I read it every five months.
- Bill won the match, not so much by good luck as by real ability.
- He owes his success both to working hard and to good luck.
- Her ability to amass a fortune is due to luck and hard work.
- I don't have good luck, so I don't play pachinko or buy lottery tickets.
- He recently had the bad luck to incur his boss' wrath and got sent out to work in the boondocks.
- I'm sure it's tough taking part in two sets of activities but good luck!
- His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.
- After a streak of bad luck a persistent gambler will be forced to play for high stakes.
- If it hadn't been for Lindbergh's luck and his knowing the ropes of flying, he could never have succeeded in hopping the Atlantic.
- A creepy cry that sounds like a human voice, velvet black wings, the image of tearing into dead flesh; crows are known across the world as a ill-omened bird that flies down with ill-luck.
- Even if your sentences were actually senseless, you at least have the luck to be able to form beautiful sentences.
Exemple din articole cu Luck
- Pot Luck is an open thread.
- Development exec Alex Schwartz says, "We look forward to working alongside Dam Things to build on the mythology of the Good Luck Trolls while delivering the sense of adventure, heart and comedy that DreamWorks Animation is known for.
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