Fraze exemplificatoare cu Lay
- All lay load on the willing horse. (Toți îl pun la treabă pe cel supus.)
- Small rain will lay great dust. (Țânțarul pișcă armăsarul.)
- The snow lay deep. (Zăpada era groasă.)
- There lay many obstacles in our way. (Ne stăteau multe obstacole în drum.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams. (Unul dintre cele mai aventuroase lucruri care ne-au mai rămas de făcut este să mergem la culcare. Pentru că nimeni nu se poate atinge de visele noastre.) - E.V. Lucas
- All she had needed was the certainty of his love, and his reassurance that there was no hurry when a lifetime lay ahead of them. (Tot ceea ce-i trebuia ei era certitudinea iubirii lui și siguranța faptului ca nu aveau de ce să se grăbească deoarece aveau toata viața înainte.) - Ian McEwan
- According to the judge, the clues to a great number of crimes lay hidden in wounds. To solve them you had to develop not a magistrates but rather a surgeons understanding of trauma. (După părerea magistratului, erau multe situații în care dovezile ce puteau dezvălui o crimă se aflau ascunse în răni și, pentru a le descoperi, era nevoie să fie scoase la iveală și studiate, nu din perspectiva unui judecător, ci a unui chirurg.) - Antonio Garrido
Alte exemple de fraze cu Lay
- Then he lay on the same bed.
- He lay down on the bed.
- She lay down on the bed.
- He never lay down under the power.
- Lay it on the table.
- We lay on the grass.
- I lay on my face.
- He lay face up.
- I lay on my bed.
- I lay down to rest.
- He lay on his back.
- He lay on the bed.
- Please lay down your coat.
- They will lay another scheme.
- He lay without movement.
- He lay down on the grass.
- I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
- He went into the next room and lay down.
- Lay down all arms.
- I've apologised, so lay off, OK?
- He lay down on the grass and went to sleep.
- More often than not I lay awake all night.
- Father lay watching TV.
- He lay injured on the ground.
- A vast desert lay before us.
- I lay awake in bed.
- Birds lay eggs.
- The whole town lay sleeping.
- A brilliant future lay before him.
- Snow lay all over the ground.
- The snow lay deep.
- Several people lay wounded.
- He lay on his back on the bed.
- He lay asleep in the bed.
- He lay awake all night.
- He lay down in a comfortable position.
- The boy lay on the sofa.
- You should lay your cards out on the table.
- She went on to lay out two more parks in the town.
- He lay breathing very feebly.
- Lay up for a rainy day.
- I lay by 10 dollars each month.
- The man lay motionless.
- She went into the room and lay on the bed.
- You should lay by something against a rainy day.
- Tom lay on his back.
- The soldier lay dying.
- Lay the napkin across your lap.
- Now she lay weak in bed.
- Lay it down on paper so everyone understands better.
- She lay still with her eyes closed.
- Lay the book on the table.
- She lay awake all night.
- The doll lay on the floor.
- The trouble lay in the engine.
- As often as not, we lay awake all night.
- I'm going to lay aside that money for emergencies.
- She lay in bed all the time.
- She will lay the doll on her bed.
- The old castle lay in ruins.
- An old man lay dead on the road.
- The cat lay hidden in the bushes.
- He lay at full length on the grass.
- You're pretty good with the lay of the land.
- Leaves lay thick over the ground.
- The princess lay with her eyes closed.
- The mother lay beside her baby on the bed.
- He lay on his back with his eyes closed.
- They don't have enough income to lay aside for the future.
- He lay on the mat at full length.
- He lay at full length on the floor.
- He lay on a sofa, with his eyes closed.
- The moment she'd finished, she lay down for a nap.
- She lay down on the floor and started reading.
- She lay on the bed with her eyes open.
- She lay on a sofa with her eyes closed.
- He lay awake for hours thinking about her.
- He lay his back and looked up at the sky.
- The lion lay in the middle of the cage.
- The boy lay listening to the radio.
- We lay emphasis on the importance of being sincere.
- I was at a loss as to how I could lay my hands on the money.
- Newspapers lay scattered all over the floor.
- The baby lay sleeping in the cradle.
- My brother can do a nice, steady lay-up.
- The town lay buried for centuries.
- Don't lay your fault at my door.
- How many eggs does this hen lay each week?
- This hen does not lay eggs at all these days.
- Jim was so tired that he lay down and slept.
- The tiger lay in the middle of the cage.
- The cat lay hidden behind the bushes.
- Leaves lay thick in the lane.
- The soldier lay in agony on the bed.
- The soldier lay injured on the ground.
- He lay in agony until the doctor arrived.
- The company was forced to lay off many employees.
- At noon they lay down in a forest to rest.
- A beautiful lake lay just beyond the forest.
- Dennis lay flat on the floor.
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