Fraze exemplificatoare cu It
- About 1910 or whenever it was. (Pe la 1910 sau când a fost.)
- All right, have it your own way. (Bine, fă cum vrei.)
- An ape is but an ugly thing, although it wear a golden ring. (Năravul din fire n-are lecuire.)
- Aren't you stretching it a bit? (Nu exagerezi cumva?)
- As it happened, I had the money on me. (În mod cu totul întâmplător aveam destui bani la mine.)
- As it happens, I am in charge here. (Întâmplător, eu răspund de ce se întâmplă aici.)
- Be patient please, it takes time. (Ai răbdare, te rog, durează ceva timp.)
- Booze it up! (Dă-l pe gât!)
- Break it down! (Mai încet!)
- Bring it round. (Adu-l încoace.)
- Call it a day! (Să-i spunem o zi mare!)
- Can it be phrased in another way? (Poate fi formulat în alt mod?)
- Can it be true? (E oare posibil?)
- Come on Po'! You can do it ! (Hai, Po'! Poți să o faci!)
- Cut it out! (Las-o baltă!)
- Cut it short! (N-o mai lungi atât!)
- Damn it all! (La naiba!)
- Dash it all! (La naiba!)
- Did you have it cheap? (L-ai luat ieftin?)
- Do as you think it proper! (Procedează după cum crezi de cuviință)
- Do it for me! (Fă-o de dragul meu!)
- Do it for me. (Fă asta pentru mine.)
- Do it for my sake! (Fă-o pentru mine!)
- Do it how you can! (Fă-o într-un fel sau altul!)
- Does it pay to breed sheep? (Merită să crești oi?)
- Don't blame it on the weather! (Să nu spui că vremea e de vină!)
- Don't let it slip away! (Nu pierde această oportunitate!)
- Don't let it trouble you. (Nu-ți fă griji în privința asta.)
- Don't lock the door; it isn't worth it. (Nu zăvorî ușa, n-are rost.)
- Don't rejoice till it is over. (Nu zice hop până n-ai sărit.)
- Don't rub it in! (Nu mai tot aduce vorba despre asta.)
- Don't take it to heart too much. (Nu te necăji din pricina asta.)
- Don't take it to heart. (Nu te necăji din pricina asta.)
- Don't wake it up! (Las-o încurcată!)
- Draw it mild! (Ușurel, nu te pripi!)
- Give it a name! (Fac eu cinste!)
- Give it a rest! (Încetează!)
- Give it him hot! (Trage-i o săpuneală!)
- Give it to them. (Dă-i-l lor.)
- Go get it yourself. (Du-te și ia-ți singur!)
- Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you. (Prin curaj se învinge orice.)
- He is famous today but it took him a long time to get there. (E el faimos astăzi, dar s-a căznit mult până să izbutească.)
- Hether you like it or not, you'll have to do it. (Fie că îți place, fie că nu, va trebui să o faci.)
- How is it going? (Cum îți merge?)
- How is it outside? (Cum e afară?)
- How long does it take to get to the station? (Cât timp îmi ia ca să ajung în stație?)
- How's it going? (Cum o mai duci?)
- I can't explain it either. (Nici eu nu pot explica.)
- I can't get it down. (Îmi stă în gât.)
- I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days! (Nu mai suport! Nu am mai dormit de trei zile!)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Table 'citatep_citatepedia.z_citatepedia_eng' doesn't existExemple din articole cu It
- Harold Camping followers, it is not the end of the world and that's ok, a Christian intellectual wants to say.
- Every week, WoW Insider brings you The Light and How to Swing It for holy, protection and retribution paladins.
- In the end it was Birmingham and Blackpool who dropped through the trap door marked 'Championship', but on a topsy-turvy final day all but Blackburn were in the drop zone at one time or another.
- Now, Google has said it was inadvertent.
- Anton's choreography and performance were utterly brilliant, and credit to the old bird for gamely going along with it and giving it her best.
- But every once in a while it happens.
- I have been hooked on it myself for many years.
- Unfortunately, the most telling element of this Blu-ray news is that it didn't merit a mention during Sony's CES keynote, but a new BD-Live feature.
- It was one of the great lines said by an iconic character in a ground-breaking television show.
- Science and Religion | I haven't blogged on this subject in a while, due to the kinds of comments/blitzkrieg it always evokes.
- As soon as a certain feature appears on enough HTML5 lists it will become canonical.
- I assume it won't be that hard to find once it gets going.
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