Fraze exemplificatoare cu isn't
- Don't lock the door; it isn't worth it. (Nu zăvorî ușa, n-are rost.)
- He isn't coming today. (El nu vine azi.)
- It isn't worthwhile. (Nu merită.)
- It isn't your business to start with. (Și, în primul rând, asta nu te privește.)
- My English isn't up to this translation. (Nu știu destulă engleză ca să fac traducerea.)
- She isn't coming today. (Ea nu vine azi.)
- She isn't down yet. (Nu a coborit încă.)
- The fish isn't quite fresh. (Peștele nu e foarte proaspăt.)
- The gate's locked, so plainly he isn't at home. (Poarta era încuiată, e limpede că nu e acasă.)
- There isn't a headache in a bucketful. (Poți să bei oricât de mult că nu te doare capul.)
- There isn't any solution. (Nu există nicio soluție.)
- There isn't much fear of his losing the money. (Nu prea cred să-și piardă banii.)
- There isn't much merit in imitating another's style. (Nu este un merit extrordinar să imiți stilul altuia.)
- Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? (Noaptea este destul de lungă, nu-i așa?)
Citate exemplificatoare
- If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score (Dacă să câștigi nu înseamnă totul, de ce mai țin scorul?) - Vince Lombardi
- I only know two pieces one is 'Clair de Lune' and the other one isn't. (Știu doar două piese, prima e "Clair de Lune" și cealaltă nu e.) - Victor Borge
- College isn't the place to go for ideas. (Colegiul nu este locul unde să te duci pentru idei.) - Helen Keller
- One who's our friend is fond of us one who's fond of us isn't necessarily our friend. (Cineva care ne este prieten ne iubește la nebunie; cineva care ne iubește la nebunie nu ne este neapărat și prieten.) - Geoffrey F. Albert
- I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true. (Nu îmi pasă ce spun alții despre mine atât timp cât nu este adevărat.) - Truman Capote
- It isn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see the problem. (Problema nu e că ei nu văd soluția, ci că nu văd problema.) - G.K. Chesterton
- Winning isn't everything. Wanting to is. (Să câștigi nu înseamnă totul. Să vrei să câștigi, da.) - Catfish Hunter
- What keeps you going isn't some fine destination but just the road you're on, and the fact that you know how to drive. (Ceea ce te ajută să mergi înainte nu e vreo destinație fabuloasă ci însuși drumul pe care mergi și faptul că știi să conduci.) - Barbara Kingsolver
- It does no harm just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn't in flames, that there are people in the country besides politicians, entertainers, and criminals. (Nu se întâmplă nimic dacă, din când în când, recunoaștem faptul că nu toată țara este în flăcări, că mai există și alți oameni în țară în afară de politicieni, oameni de divertisment și criminali.) - Charles Kuralt
- It isn't the people you fire who make your life miserable, it's the people you don't. (Nu oamenii pe care îi concediezi îți fac viața un calvar, ci cei pe care nu-i concediezi.) - Harvey Mackay
Alte exemple de fraze cu isn't
- This isn't my blood. It's all splash-back from my opponent. There isn't a single scratch on me.
- War isn't something to be done lightly, also changing the constitution isn't something that should be done because "I just really want to go to war".
- What is it that "isn't only you"?
- That isn't what I'm looking for.
- It isn't new.
- It isn't certain whether he will come or not.
- That's right, isn't it?
- It isn't likely that she will come.
- There isn't anybody else.
- There's somebody here who did it, isn't there?
- We are both looking for something that isn't there.
- He isn't here, is he?
- She is very pretty, isn't she?
- He isn't good enough for her.
- She isn't lonely now.
- His car isn't here, so he must have gone.
- He is cool, isn't he?
- He isn't my cousin.
- He isn't as stupid as he looks.
- He isn't at home, is he?
- This isn't for sell.
- It isn't expensive.
- This isn't fair.
- She isn't as energetic as she once was.
- She's trusted by everyone, isn't she?
- She isn't so green as to say so.
- The job isn't anywhere near done.
- She isn't poor.
- Isn't she a doctor?
- He isn't consistent with himself.
- She isn't married.
- He isn't coming, either.
- This isn't what I ordered.
- This isn't finished at all.
- Your condition isn't serious.
- It isn't as if we were rich.
- There isn't much logic in what you're saying.
- I am a student, but he isn't.
- I know that money isn't everything.
- It isn't always summer.
- He isn't any more capable of it than I am.
- He isn't happy at all.
- She isn't so against the idea.
- What you say now isn't consistent with what you said before.
- I weather, isn't it?
- This isn't exactly what I wanted.
- I can't make out why he isn't here yet.
- This isn't my umbrella; it's somebody else's.
- It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it.
- This isn't mine.
- This isn't the last train, is it?
- He isn't as energetic as he once was.
- He isn't much of a teacher.
- He isn't as honest as all that.
- He isn't quite a gentleman.
- What he's saying just isn't consistent.
- I see him singing, but this isn't often.
- Isn't it black?
- It isn't mine.
- It isn't hard to do.
- I can not make out why he isn't here yet.
- "Well, even so my score is far above yours isn't it?" "What did you say!? If I was to go all out you'd be as nothing to me!"
- Hollywood isn't what it used to be.
- There isn't anyone in the room.
- I think welfare isn't enough to go around.
- There isn't anywhere else to park.
- This isn't my bag.
- I already told you that she isn't here.
- I'm sorry, but he isn't home.
- Hokkaido is very far, isn't it?
- In a word, she isn't any use.
- What you are saying is equal to "no", isn't it?
- She's really smart, isn't she?
- I already told you he isn't here.
- She isn't much of a poet.
- I already told you that he/she isn't here.
- So, it isn't hot at all.
- She isn't to my taste.
- If anything, she isn't any better today.
- It isn't much of a car.
- She isn't at home now.
- Christmas is soon, isn't it?
- There isn't any solution.
- It's very hot, isn't it?
- It isn't worth while going there.
- She isn't running.
- She's at work, isn't she?
- This is my brother. Handsome, isn't he?
- In any case, it's troublesome, isn't it?
- There isn't much furniture in my room.
- My sister isn't studying now.
- A nice room, isn't it?
- ... reason? What you're looking for is a pretext, isn't it?
- It's nice out today, isn't it?
- The reception isn't good.
- Mr Tanaka is a doctor, isn't he?
- It isn't futile to go to university.
- This is a good newspaper, isn't it?
- My sister isn't used to cooking.
- My shirt isn't dry yet.
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