in spite
Citate exemplificatoare
- Common sense is in spite of, not the result of, education. (Bunul simț apare în ciuda educației, nu ca rezultat al acesteia.) - Victor Hugo
- A blessed thing it is for any man or woman to have a friend, one human soul whom we can trust utterly, who knows the best and worst of us, and who loves us in spite of all our faults. (Ce binecuvântare este pentru orice bărbat sau femeie să aibă un prieten, un suflet uman în care să avem încredere deplină, care cunoaște tot ce e mai bun și mai rău despre noi, și care ne iubește în ciuda defectelor noastre.) - Charles Kingsley
- Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence. (Credința este marea eludare, marea scuză pentru evitarea nevoii de a gândi și evalua dovezi. Credința se manifestă în ciuda, poate chiar din cauza, lipsei dovezilor.) - Richard Dawkins
- The founding of libraries was like constructing more public granaries, amassing reserves against a spiritual winter which by certain signs, in spite of myself, I see ahead. (Când întemeiezi biblioteci, pregătești hambare publice, strângi rezerve menite să preîntâmpine o iarnă a spiritului.) - Marguerite Yourcenar
Exemple de fraze cu in spite
- In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
- We played golf in spite of the rain.
- He went out in spite of the rain.
- He started in spite of the rain.
- The children went to school in spite of the rain.
- In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled.
- In spite of the rain, I went out.
- In spite of the heavy rain, he decided to go out.
- The senior citizens' spirits were high in spite of the bad weather.
- They made up their minds to go to by car in spite of bad weather.
- He shivered a little in spite of himself.
- Mary kept on working in spite of her illness.
- In spite of the terrible congestion, I was in time for the appointed time.
- They started in spite of the heavy rain.
- I saw the sight and laughed in spite of myself.
- They carried on with the plan in spite of strong objections to it.
- Joan became a great actress in spite of having had a difficult childhood.
- But in spite of the merits of being single, they do want to get married some day.
- He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him.
- In spite of these dangers mountaineering is very popular.
- We hung on in spite of all the troubles.
- In spite of the heavy snow, she came all the way to the station.
- In spite of the language difficulty, we soon become friends.
- In spite of the heavy rain, he visited his friend in hospital.
- The judge laughed in spite of himself.
- My sister married him in spite of our objections.
- I laughed in spite of myself.
- He would go fishing in spite of our warning.
- We went out in spite of the rain.
- My uncle kept on drinking in spite of his doctor's advice.
- He will not change his mind in spite of my advice.
- They didn't come in spite of my orders.
- I am happy in spite of poverty.
- I will carry out the plan in spite of all opposition.
- I went out in spite of the rain.
- I wept in spite of myself.
- I burst out laughing in spite of myself.
- In spite of our congratulations, he frowned and turned away.
- Can we find joy in spite of suffering and death?
- During the class she fell asleep in spite of herself.
- In spite of the heavy traffic, I managed to get to the airport in time.
- I will be watching TV at nine o'clock tonight in spite of much homework.
- I saw a girl tumble and ran to her in spite of myself.
- In spite of their tiny restaurant they managed to pull through the recession.
- The girl went to school in spite of her illness.
- I was moved to tears in spite of myself.
- In spite of the sunny weather, the air was rather chilly.
- In spite of the teacher's warning, the lazy boy comes late as often as not.
- The president laughed in spite of himself.
- In spite of the heavy traffic, we arrived on time.
- Japanese literature, in spite of its beauty and riches, is as yet inadequately known in the West.
- He is in good health in spite of his age.
- I admire him, in spite of his faults.
- I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults.
- He persuades you in spite of yourself.
- He failed in spite of his great efforts.
- He succeeded in spite of all difficulties.
- He succeeded in spite of all the lifetimes.
- He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.
- He went out in spite of the heavy rain.
- He can't see very well in spite of his spectacles.
- He came in spite of bad weather.
- He arrived on time in spite of the rain.
- He laughed in spite of himself.
- He's quite humble man in spite of all he's achieved.
- When he saw the joke, he laughed in spite of himself.
- He did the work in spite of many obstacles.
- He came in spite of the heavy snow.
- He failed in his business in spite of his efforts.
- In spite of his anger, he listened to me patiently.
- He went to work in spite of his illness.
- He attended the meeting in spite of illness.
- In spite of being insulted, he managed to keep his temper.
- He made up his mind to jog in spite of his blindness.
- He departed in spite of the storm.
- I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition.
- She went to school in spite of the pain in her right leg.
- I cannot help loving her in spite of her many faults.
- She arrived at school on time in spite of the snowstorm.
- She carried on talking in spite of the loud noise.
- She went to school in spite of the pain in her leg.
- In spite of the depression, the prices of commodities are still high.
- My mother is always very cheerful in spite of poor health.
- Yosio persisted in believing that in spite of the evidence.
- In spite of the storm, he went out.
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