Fraze exemplificatoare cu image
- She was the very image of sorrow. (Era tristețea personificată.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated. (Dacă Dumnezeu ne-a creat după chipul său, avem mult mai mult de împărtășit.) - Voltaire
- We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God. (Credem că toți oamenii au fost creați egali, pentru că au fost creați după asemănarea lui Dumnezeu.) - Harry Truman
- Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul. (Frumusețea este imaginea sensibilă a Infinitului. Ca adevărul și justiția, trăiește în noi; ca virtutea și legea morală, este un tovarăș al sufletului.) - George Bancroft
- The only service a friend can really render is to keep up your courage by holding up to you a mirror in which you can see a noble image of yourself. (Singurul serviciu pe care ți-l poate face un prieten cu adevărat, este să te încurajeze așezându-te în fața unei oglinzi în care poți vedea o reflecție nobilă a ta.) - George Bernard Shaw
- Political image is like mixing cement. When it's wet, you can move it around and shape it, but at some point it hardens and there's almost nothing you can do to reshape it. (Imaginea politică este precum amestecul de ciment. Când este moale îl poți mânui și modela, dar de la un anumit punct încolo se întărește și nu mai rămâne aproape nimic de făcut pentru a-l remodela.) - Walter Frederick Mondale
- Rigidly organized pre-school classrooms, which value obedience more than development, create the deficits in poor children, imposing a self-image of marginality and failure. (Clasele preșcolare organizate riguros, care pun mai mult preț pe obediență decât pe dezvoltare, creează lipsuri în acei bieți copii, impunându-le o imagine de sine a marginalității și a eșecului.) - Valerie Polakow
- I'm glad to be a role model, but beyond that I'm a flawed human being, someone who continues to deal with my body image and what my purpose is on the planet. (Sunt bucuroasă să am un rol model, însă dincolo de asta sunt o ființă umană imperfectă, o persoană care are în continuare de-a face cu imaginea sa fizică și cu scopul său pe planetă.) - Sara Ramirez
- When you create a movie, you create something in your image. (Când creezi un film, creezi ceva în reprezentarea ta.) - Jean-Jacques Annaud
- We can only approach the gods through poetry, and if disease is the disguise of the gods, then our medicine will have to be full of art and image. (Putem ajunge la zei numai prin poezie, iar dacă boala este deghizarea zeilor, atunci leacul nostru va trebui să fie plin de artă și reprezentări.) - Thomas Moore
- Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation. (Dragostea începe cu o imagine; pofta trupească începe cu o senzație.) - Mason Cooley
Alte exemple de fraze cu image
- Everyone says that he is the very image of his father.
- He is the very image of his father.
- I'd like to change my image.
- He is the image of his father.
- Whose image is on this stamp?
- The image is not in focus.
- The image is out of focus.
- The company is trying to improve its image.
- I could not image how cruel he was at that time.
- Through the lens the image was inverted.
- The baby was the very image of his mother.
- This Buddhist image cannot be dated exactly.
- The image of my mother is on my mind.
- Divorce tends to be associated with a negative image.
- God created man in his own image.
- He painted an image he had during meditation last night.
- He carved a Buddhist image from out of wood.
- She never lets you forget her cleancut image.
- What image did you have in mind as you painted this picture?
- I also digitized it and made a desktop image.
- An image is formed by the information in the media.
- If you want to get elected you're going to have to upgrade/improve your public image.
- I asked the student what image he had of black people.
- The image quality is really bad - the resolution is so low.
- The scandal has badly damaged his clean image.
- The sculptor carved wood into an image of Buddha.
- This scandal has severely damaged the public image of our company.
- This is the spitting image of the real thing, perfectly true to life.
- A creepy cry that sounds like a human voice, velvet black wings, the image of tearing into dead flesh; crows are known across the world as a ill-omened bird that flies down with ill-luck.
Exemple din articole cu image
- So im trying to set an UIImageView with a particular image depending on what button was pressed.
- View, resize, watermark, convert, rename, batch-process, make web gallery of images in just a few clicks using one piece of software! 90+ effects, 25 image formats, Windows integration, 32-bit alpha-transparency support, layers, .
- Building a better body image also includes having healthy coping skills.
- In 1991, theoretical physicist John Sidles first proposed the idea of combining MRI with atomic force microscopy to image tiny biological structures.
- Read our Image hints at possible XBLA Shenmue News for Xbox 360.
- This tutorial describes how to scan emails for image spam with FuzzyOCR on a Debian Lenny server.
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