Citate exemplificatoare
- Whatever else an American believes or disbelieves about himself, he is absolutely sure he has a sense of humor. (Indiferent de ceea ce crede sau nu crede un American despre el însuși, e absolut convins că are simțul umorului.) - E.B. White
- Humor is also a way of saying something serious. (Umorul este și un mod de a spune ceva serios.) - T.S. Eliot
- That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you. (Partea bună a umorului este că dacă spui o glumă proastă, nimeni nu râde de tine.) - A. Whitney Brown
- Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind. (Umorul poate fi disecat precum o broască, însă ea moare în timpul acțiunii iar măruntaiele ei nu prezintă interes decât pentru mintea pur științifică.) - E.B. White
- It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor. (Abilitatea prin care guști o glumă făcută ție, și nu cea de a face o glumă, este cea care-ți dovedește simțul umorului.) - Max Eastman
- Any man who has had the job I've had and didn't have a sense of humor wouldn't still be here. (Orice om cu slujba mea și fără simțul umorului n-ar mai fi aici.) - Harry Truman
- Silence will not betray your thoughts but the expression on your face will. Humor has a hundred faces tragedy only a few. (Tăcerea nu-ți va dezvălui gândurile, dar expresia de pe chipul tău, da. Umorul are o mie de fețe, tragedia doar câteva.) - H.G. Mendelson
- Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it. (A analiza umorul este ca și cum ai diseca o broască. Pe puțini îi interesează, iar broasca moare în timpul acțiunii.) - E.B. White
- Kindness is really important to me in finding my own prince - so are patience and a sense of humor. Without those qualities he's no Prince Charming! (Bunătatea este o trăsătură cu adevărat importantă în a-mi găsi propriu meul prinț, la fel și răbdarea și un anumit simț al umorului. Fără aceste calități el nu este Făt-Frumos!) - Anne Hathaway
- A sense of humor is knowing laugh at own misfortunes. (Simțul umorului constă în capacitatea de a râde de propriile insuccese.) - Alfredo Landa
Exemple de fraze cu humor
- He said so with humor.
- He seems to be bankrupt of humor.
- He has a sense of humor.
- He seems to be in a dark humor.
- You have a sense of humor.
- I am in no humor for reading now.
- He has no sense of humor.
- This play has no humor in it.
- He is devoid of humor.
- Every man has his humor.
- She is in no humor for task.
- She has a sense of humor.
- She looks down on me for not having a sense of humor.
- She was in no humor for lunch.
- He has a very good sense of humor.
- You've got a great sense of humor.
- Humor is absent in his way of thinking.
- He was out of humor as he had lost his wallet.
- She has a delightful sense of humor.
- He is endowed with a sense of humor.
- He is a man of individual humor.
- She has a marvelous sense of humor.
- She smiled me into good humor.
- My behavior put him out of humor.
- It is a pity that he no sense of humor.
- Be possessed of both wit and humor.
- He had a magnificent sense of humor.
- Most Americans have a sense of humor.
- You have a good sense of humor.
- The story is full of humor.
- It is called sick humor.
- It is a pity that Mary has no sense of humor.
- He kept his sense of humor until the day he died.
- He doesn't have a dry sense of humor.
- The professor's speech was full of humor.
- Your sense of humor is beginning to exert itself.
- I am not in the humor for working hard today.
- I don't see why I am in a bad humor this morning.
- His infectious humor stimulated applause.
- The following example of sick humor will enable you to judge for yourself.
- Our teacher has a wonderful sense of humor.
- You young people have no sense of humor at all.
- All that day my father was out of humor because he had lost his wallet.
- He was a warm, gentleman with a pleasant sense of humor.
- The audience enjoyed his lecture as it was rich in humor.
- For the past few days Jane has been quiet and out of humor.
- The sense of humor is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics.
- The humor of his speech is derived from his peculiar local accent.
- A smile may convey understanding, joy, or an appreciation of humor.
- However, a new type of humor, which stems largely from America, has recently come into fashion.
Exemple din articole cu humor
- Jewish Humor Central is a blog to start your day with news of the Jewish world that's likely to produce a knowing smile and some Yiddishe nachas.
- Watch Tina Fey's Mark Twain prize for American Humor acceptance speech in the video clip above, where Tina thanks her parents (and breaks it to them they'll.
- Comedienne Tina Fey received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor during tonight's broadcast of the ceremony (Sun.
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