Citate exemplificatoare
- Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off. (Gravitația este un obicei de care se scapă greu.) - Terry Pratchett
- The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give. (Obiceiul de a dărui nu face altceva decât să intensifice dorința de a dărui.) - Walt Whitman
- Tradition is the social equivalent of personal habit. (Tradiția este echivalentul social al unui obicei personal.) - Hassan Fathy
- Consciousness is a phase of mental life which arises in connection with the formation of new habits. When habit is formed, consciousness only interferes to spoil our performance. (Conștiința este o fază a dezvoltării mentale care apare odată cu formarea noilor deprinderi. Atunci când ne formăm o nouă deprindere, conștiința intervine numai pentru a ne afecta performanța.) - W.R. Inge
- Winning is a habit. Unfortuantely, so is losing. (Să câștigi este un obicei. Din păcate, la fel e și să pierzi.) - Vince Lombardi
- Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. (Nouăzeci și nouă la sută din eșecuri se datoreză oamenilor care au obiceiul de a se scuza.) - George Washington Carver
- Once upon a time there was an old country, wrapped up in habit and caution. ... We have to transform our old France into a new country and marry it to its time. (Demult, exista o țară bătrână, învăluită în obiceiuri și precaută. Trebuie să transformăm vechea Franță într-o țară nouă și să o adaptăm timpului său.) - Charles de Gaulle
- Statistics show that of those who contract the habit of eating, very few survive. (Statisticile arată că foarte puțini dintre cei care dezvoltă obiceiul de a mânca supraviețuiesc.) - Wallace Irwin
- I would advise you to keep your overhead down avoid a major drug habit play every day and take it in front of other people. They need to hear it, and you need them to hear it. (Te-aș sfătui să-ți stăpânești entuziasmul, să te ferești de consumul de droguri, să te joci în fiecare zi și să fii cu un pas înaintea celorlalți oameni. Ei ai nevoie să audă aceste lucruri, tu ai nevoie ca ei să le asculte.) - James Taylor
- My final warning to you is always pay for your own drinks. All the scandals in the world of politics today have their cause in the despicable habit of swallowing free drinks. (Ultimul meu avertisment e să plătiți întotdeauna ceea ce beți. Toate scandalurile din lumea politică actuală au drept cauză obiceiul vrednic de disprețuit de a servi băuturi gratis.) - Y. Yakigawa
Exemple de fraze cu habit
- You have a habit of exaggerating everything.
- You must get rid of such a habit.
- They did away with the bad habit.
- It became his habit by degrees.
- He never breaks his habit.
- I have a habit of getting up early.
- He got out of the habit of smoking.
- Habit is second nature.
- He could not get out of the bad habit.
- His drinking habit is an old one.
- Man is a creature of habit.
- I'm not in the habit of staying up late.
- His strange habit confounded them.
- It is a good habit to keep a diary.
- You should try to conquer your smoking habit.
- He has a habit of looking down on coloured people.
- He got into the habit of smoking in his youth.
- Great is the power of habit.
- I will cure him of the bad habit.
- He was cured of his drinking habit.
- I'm trying to rid myself of this bad habit.
- He made every effort to get out of that habit.
- He scratched his head out of habit.
- You should cultivate the habit of getting up early.
- He slipped into the bad habit again.
- I am in the habit of going for a drive on Sundays.
- It was his habit to rise early.
- I am in the habit of going for a walk before breakfast.
- I have to form the habit of getting up early.
- I was cured of my drinking habit.
- He acquired the habit of smoking.
- He has the habit of standing up when he is angry.
- You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries.
- Smoking is bad habit.
- It's my habit to read on the toilet.
- She carried that habit to her grave.
- I'm just a creature of habit, I guess.
- She has a bad habit of smoking.
- She has a habit of biting her nails.
- She is in the habit of jogging before breakfast.
- She is in the habit of fidgeting in the presence of others.
- Smoking is a bad habit.
- Once you've got into a bad habit, it can be difficult to get out of (it).
- He has the habit of scratching his head.
- You must get rid of that bad habit.
- She has a habit of coughing before she speaks.
- I wish I could break the habit of smoking.
- He acquired the habit of snacking.
- That habit is acquired, not innate.
- They are mere creatures of habit.
- He tried to wean his son from his bad habit.
- She is in the habit of taking exercise before breakfast.
- He is in the habit of sitting up late on weekends.
- She is in the habit of keeping late hours.
- She acquired the habit of rising early.
- She made it a habit to take a walk before dinner.
- He finally kicked the bad habit.
- He tried to break his son's habit of smoking.
- He was in the habit of taking a walk before breakfast.
- He makes it a habit to keep good hours.
- He is in the habit of keeping early hours.
- She eventually got into the bad habit of smoking.
- He broke himself of the bad habit of smoking.
- He was in the habit of taking a walk after supper.
- She was in the habit of sitting up late at night.
- He is in the habit of eating only two meals a day.
- He had the bad habit of drinking too much wine.
- She is in the habit of keeping a diary every day.
- She tried to break her child of the habit of lying.
- He is in the habit of taking a walk before breakfast.
- He is in the habit of staying up late at night.
- The habit of smoking is very difficult to get rid of.
- Once you have formed a had habit, you cannot get rid of it easily.
- Telling lies is a very bad habit.
- It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit.
- John is in the habit of staying up until midnight.
- The old people make a habit of getting up early.
- He got into the habit of smoking soon after he got a job in the company.
- The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back.
- It's hard to shake the smoking habit.
- You must get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
- We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible.
- A bad habit is easily acquired.
- Once a habit has been acquired, it has almost compulsive power over us.
- Eating between meals is a bad habit.
- Contract the bad habit of smoking.
- Try as you may, you will find it impossible to give up that habit.
- I am in the habit of taking a shower in the morning.
- It is true that he has a habit of inventing lies.
- I have grown out of the habit of reading comics.
- Keeping a diary is a good habit.
- I am in the habit of taking a walk every day.
- It is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary.
- I am in the habit of taking some exercise before breakfast.
- The truth is he has a habit of inventing lies.
- He has a habit of keeping the door open.
- I managed to get over the habit of finding fault with others.
- A habit is very difficult to shake off once it is formed.
- Keeping a diary is good habit.
- Perry has acquired the habit of thinking aloud.
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