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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu graceful
- She is graceful.
- She is a graceful beauty.
- I found her graceful.
- She is beautiful, and what is more, very graceful.
- She has a graceful carriage.
- All her motions were graceful.
- Rarely have I met such a graceful dancer.
- The lady has a graceful manner.
- The spectators were moved by her graceful performance.
- An ugly duckling became a graceful swan.
- The delicate, graceful flowers are in bloom.
- I am descended from a graceful family. [Arch]
- The dancer's graceful action charmed the audience.
- Even the most graceful and imposing existing buildings may now be so sadly diminished as to seem slightly ridiculous beside the monster.
Exemple din articole cu graceful
- IF for whatever reason the packet filter in the Linux kernel is not available (lacking permissions, or not using Linux or something equivalent), then we can still do graceful atomic switching of ports, but it requires proper support to .
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