Fraze exemplificatoare cu food
- How do you find food in outer space? (Cum ți se pare mâncarea în spațiu?)
- They eat whatever food they can find. (Mănâncă tot ce găsesc.)
- This food does not stay with me. (Mâncarea asta nu mă satură.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him of the entire weekend. (Dacă vrei să-i asiguri unui om mâncarea pe o zi, dă-i un pește; dacă vrei să scapi de el tot weekend-ul, învață-l să pescuiască.) - Zenna Schaffer
- Health food makes me sick. (Mâncarea sănătoasă mă bagă-n boală.) - Calvin Trillin
- Good food ends with good talk. (O mâncare bună se termină cu o conversație bună.) - Geoffrey Neighor
- Fish is the only food that is considered spoiled once it smells like what it is. (Peștele e unica mâncare care e considerată stricată îndată ce miroase a ceea ce este.) - P.J. O'Rourke
- Food, love, career, and mothers, the four major guilt groups. (Mâncarea, dragostea, cariera și mamele - cele patru mari grupuri care îți provoacă sentimente de vinovăție.) - Cathy Guisewite
- To a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse. (Pentru un istoric, bibliotecile sunt și adăpost, și hrană și chiar și inspirație.) - Barbara Tuchman
- I was lucky to learn early in life that you need money for food and shelter, but there's no ambition in having money in the bank for the sake of it! (Am fost norocoasă să învăț de timpuriu în viață că ai nevoie de bani pentru hrană și adăpost, dar nu reprezintă o aspirație a avea bani în bancă de dragul lor!) - Helen McCrory
- If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home. (Dacă respingi mâncarea, ignori obiceiurile, îți este frică de religie și eviți oamenii, mai bine stai acasă.) - James A. Michener
- Good food ends with good talk. (O masă bună se încheie cu o discuție bună.) - Geoffrey Neighbor
- Here are the 7 wonders of the Romanian world: sunny days, hot temperatures, warm hearts, bright minds, colourful imagination, golden fields and delicious food! (Iată cele 7 minuni ale lumii românești: zile însorite, temperaturi ridicate, inimi calde, minți strălucitoare, imaginație colorată, câmpuri aurii și mâncare delicioasă!) - Michelle Rosenberg
Alte exemple de fraze cu food
- Chinese food is no less nice than French food is.
- Taiwanese food is milder than Indian food.
- The food was not bad, as hotel food goes.
- All the food was gone.
- Is there enough food to go around?
- Do you need any food?
- I'm not very particular about food.
- She is very particular about her food.
- Please help yourself to any food you like.
- We have enough food now.
- She is particular about food.
- He is very particular about his food.
- There is food enough for us.
- Do we have enough food?
- They had no food.
- There was food enough for us all.
- They could not get enough food.
- There was nothing for it but to go without food.
- The food seems very delicious.
- He asked for food.
- He complained to her about the food.
- What happened to our food?
- They soon used up their food supplies.
- This is the last food there is on this boat.
- We have ample food.
- It's my favorite food.
- It is Pochi's food.
- We are badly in need of food.
- All our food was rotten.
- Chickens were looking for food.
- He did not know what to do with the extra food.
- They did not have much food to eat.
- He provided them with food.
- How about Thai food?
- Chew your food well.
- Is it Japanese food?
- We ran out of food.
- There is a food on the desk.
- Eat whatever food you like.
- This food does not agree with me.
- I furnished food to them.
- I provided him with food.
- This money goes for food.
- He never had enough food to give to someone else.
- Food is always necessary for life.
- What do you think of Japanese food?
- Nobody can exist without food.
- Do you like Japanese food?
- Please tell me when to serve the food.
- She's always complaining about the food.
- This food is unhealthy.
- Did you soon get used to Japanese food?
- This food is too salty.
- What food don't you like?
- There was enough food at the party for everyone to have some.
- He often goes without food for days.
- How about some Spanish food?
- I'm not used to spicy food.
- He had to go without food for days.
- We cannot exist without food.
- This is a kind of food.
- He's always complaining about the food.
- What is your favorite food?
- I made this food myself.
- I threw up my food.
- My brother and I like the same food.
- We have food in abundance.
- The food is cold.
- Most of our money goes for food.
- There was much food in the house.
- There is little food in the refrigerator.
- Is there much food in the refrigerator?
- I like French food very much.
- She went out to buy some food.
- I furnished him with food.
- You should take liquid food.
- There is plenty of food.
- Decaying food.
- They supplied us with food.
- I like Japanese food.
- We went into a shop to get some food.
- You may as well chew your food well.
- Does this food contain any meat?
- I went without food for a week.
- They are always hard up for food.
- She gave us some food.
- What is the best way of getting food into the mouth?
- My father is very particular about food.
- They became food for fishes.
- Some food was brought to him.
- They are suffering from want of food.
- The food is getting cold.
- They are short of food.
- Have you ever had food poisoning?
- She provided me with some food.
- There's enough food to go round.
- Food is necessary for life.
- The food disagreed with him.
- You really have a passion for food.
- India is now short of food.
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