Fraze exemplificatoare cu followed
- One misfortune followed another. (A venit o nenorocire după alta.)
- The layout of the forms shall be followed precisely. (Formatul formularelor se respectă cu strictețe.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The man who follows a crowd will never be followed by a crowd. (Omul care urmează o gloată nu va fi niciodată urmat de o mulțime.) - R.S. Donnell
- Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything. ("Continuă să încerci!" Este regula ce trebuie respectată pentru a deveni specialist în orice.) - W. Clement Stone
- I followed my heart and figured that if I tried and failed, at least I'd know that I tried. (Mi-am urmat inima și mi-am dat seama că dacă am încercat și am eșuat, cel puțin am satisfacția că am încercat.) - Michelle Branch
Exemple din articole cu followed
- Steps to Be Followed by Web Content Writers.
- These two papers are based on a series of 1004 consecutive patients treated by open radical prostatectomy (RP) at the Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington starting in 1954 and followed through to 1997.
- I Followed the Tute.
- Shakira1 225x300 Shakira followed Gandhi's maxim Shakira, who was awarded a medal by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for her work to promote social justice and the advancement of children worldwide, says she has followed .
- NewNet News - UK wave and tidal plan must be followed by government investment, says trade body.
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