Fraze exemplificatoare cu fit
- Does the punishment fit the offence! (Este pedeapsa pe măsura infracțiunii?)
- My holiday must be timed to fit in with yours. (Trebuie să-mi planific concediul în așa fel încât să coincidă cu al tău.)
- The coat didn't fit me. (Haina îmi stătea prost.)
- The fish was not fit to eat. (Peștele nu era bun de mâncat.)
- The key doesn't fit the lock. (Cheia nu se potrivește cu lacătul.)
- The product shall be fit for use. (Produsul trebuie să fie adecvat pentru utilizare.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple din articole cu fit
- so today i loaded up a new samsung 46 1080p lcd and a panasonic bluray surround sound in the fit today plus 2 passengers, a car seat base and.
- Money Crashers wants your physical life and your financial life to be as fit as possible, so the next five articles will be a series to help you get rid of your financial gut.
- What Cirque's fit pros know.
- The position is a fit for Bill's personality and interest areas.
- Santa brought me the new Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and I've been playing for the last week and a half.
- The company has taken the opportunity at CES to unveil a Wii racing wheel, a Wii wireless sensor bar, some sleeves for everything from your Wiimote to your Wii Fit balance board, a charging kit for your Wiimotes, a rechargeable battery .
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