Fraze exemplificatoare cu films
- What films are they showing? (Ce filme rulează?)
Citate exemplificatoare
- I love the way dancers express their feelings through movement instead of with words. I would have enjoyed making silent films. (Ador modul în care dansatorii își exprimă sentimentele prin mișcări în locul cuvintelor. Mi-ar fi plăcut să fac filme mute.) - Summer Glau
- I think a smart person today realizes that you have to be part of the art films that are done just for the sake of the art. (Cred o persoană isteață își dă seama în ziua de azi că trebuie să fii o părticiă a filmelor artistice care sunt realizate doar de dragul artei.) - Halle Berry
- Some films are slices of life, mine are slices of cake. (Unele filme sunt felii de viață. Ale mele sunt felii de tort.) - Alfred Hitchcock
- My films are the expression of momentary desires. I follow my instincts, but in a disciplined way. (Filmele mele sunt expresia dorințelor de moment. Îmi urmez instinctele, însă într-un mod disciplinat.) - Roman Polanski
- I have a good time getting roles. I've been fortunate enough to work with a lot of good people to sort of sit back and take from them and learn. It's definitely different characters in films. (M-am simțit bine primind rolurile. Am fost destul de norocos să lucrez cu o mulțime de oameni buni de calibrul: stai deoparte, ia de la ei și învață. Categoric în filme sunt personaje diferite.) - Garrett Hedlund
- If I had to climb into hell and wrestle the devil himself for one of my films, I would do it. (Dacă ar trebui să mă cobor în iad și să mă lupt cu diavolul pentru unul dintre filmele mele, aș face-o.) - Werner Herzog
- My films deal with a stylized, expressionistic world that has a kind of grotesque beauty about it. (Filmele mele au de-a face cu o lume stilizată, expresionistă, care are un fel de frumusețe grotească.) - Brian De Palma
- I realize I'm a very lucky man. I love what I do, I love films, tv and theater, and the fact that I'm able to make a living at it staggers me. (Îmi dau seama că sunt o persoană foarte norocoasă. Iubesc ceea ce fac, îmi plac filmele, televiziunea și teatrul și faptul că pot să-mi câștig existența din asta mă tulbură.) - Eric Stoltz
- Big feature films are another world. (Filmele mari reprezintă o altă lume.) - Jerry Orbach
- I've watched films and even forgotten I'm in them. (Mă uit la filme și uit că joc în ele.) - Bob Hoskins
Alte exemple de fraze cu films
- All the films are boring.
- Do you enjoy plays, films and such?
- I've seen a couple of Kurosawa's films.
- I love French films.
- Last year I saw not less than fifty films.
- Are there any good films on this week?
- I'm always bored with films that have little action.
- American films are more popular than those of any other country.
- She takes pleasure in seeing horror films.
- What I don't like about his films is that they're not grounded in reality.
- I am kind of interested in foreign films.
- I like all films that Juzo Itami directs.
- Stallone has come by a great reputation through films.
- Jane has been acting in films since she was eleven.
- I prefer French films to American ones.
- I like the Terminator films because the special effects are fantastic.
- No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplain's early films.
- Psycho-horror films dealing with the mysteries of human psychology are popular these days.
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