Fraze exemplificatoare cu few
- A few pages are wanting. (Lipsesc câteva pagini.)
- Can you spare me a few minutes? (Poți să-mi acorzi câteva minute?)
- Can you spare me a few moments? (Poți să-mi acorzi câteva clipe?)
- Give every man thine ear but few thy voice. (Cumpăra de la toți, dar vinde la puțini.)
- Go on, I'll join you in a few minutes. (Mergeți mai departe, vă ajung din urmă peste câteva minute.)
- He is a man of few words. (E zgârcit la vorbă.)
- I know a few of them. (Îi cunosc pe unii dintre ei.)
- I'm having Jones down for a few days' shooting. (L-am invitat pe Jones să vină la vânătoare pentru câteva zile.)
- Many wish but few will. (Mulți au dorința, dar puțini voința.)
- Not a few have heard of it. (Destulă lume a auzit de acest lucru.)
- Quite a few have heard of it. (Destulă lume a auzit de acest lucru.)
- She has been feeling much better for the past few hours. (Se simte mult mai bine de câteva ore.)
- Some few of us remained to chat. (Câțiva dintre noi rămaseră la taifas.)
- The house is but a few steps away. (Casa e doar la câțiva pași mai departe.)
- The letters came within a few days of each other. (Scrisorile soseau la un interval de numai câteva zile.)
- There are few solutions, if any. (Nu mai e nicio soluție.)
- There are very few of us who can remember it. (Puțini dintre noi își mai amintesc de aceasta.)
- They are within a few months of the same age. (Diferența de vârstă între ei este de numai câteva luni.)
- Throw in a few compliments! (Mai adaugă și tu câteva complimente!)
- You get permission to take a few days off from work. (Ai permisiunea să-ți iei câteva zile libere de la serviciu.)
- You won't grudge me a few pounds, will you? (Sper că n-ai să-mi refuzi un împrumut de câteva lire, nu?)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple din articole cu few
- There is a lot to say about this important decision, but a few preliminary observations struck me as especially interesting.
- New track from The Few called Roller Coaster.
- The upcoming HTC ChaCha seems to be causing a few issues for our friends at HTC.
- Neil Barofsky, leaving his job as watchdog of the Treasury Department's $700-billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, is taking a few shots at Treasury Secretary Timothy F.
- Few options for drug treatment.
- Wedding party a few years on.
- There are a few Vanderbilt kids who need your prayers right now.
- Having just a few things in common strengthens empathy, even among strangers, according to two experiments carried out by Stanford psychologists.
- Few called US market turn, fewer predict it will last Few called US market turn, fewer predict it will lastFew called US market turn, fewer predict it will.
- Few Tips for Selecting an Appropriate Web Hosting Provider.
- A Few Faves from 08.
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