Exemple de fraze cu dermatitis
- I have chronic dermatitis.
- I'm troubled with atopic dermatitis.
- Atopic dermatitis has been increasing on babies recently.
Exemple din articole cu dermatitis
- Flea allergy dermatitis in dogs is a common problem, despite all of the recent advances in flea control products.
- Contact dermatitis is irritation on the skin induced by an allergic response by immediate speak to to a substance for which a person is allergic to.
- Atopic Dermatitis is a genetic skin allergy mostly seen in newborn babies | Applying olive oil before bathing can prevent drying of skin in Atopic.
- Seborrheic Dermatitis can also be termed as Seborrhea and is also looked as a chronic skin condition that affects parts of the body which have skin oil glands.
- Couples had perioral dermatitis a few months ago, and now my skin is under control.
- Most people are having difficulty in determining the cause of facial dermatitis or eczema on face.
- Dermatitis is a basic health-related term that is defined as an inflammation of the skin which generates itchy red skin lesions.
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