Exemple din articole cu cowpox
- In the past, an attack of cowpox in humans conferred immunity against SMALLPOX, since the two viruses were so similar.
- Once a relatively common malady in humans, cowpox is now confined mostly to small mammals in Europe and the United Kingdom.
- Even physicians who have explored vaccination continue to believe that the injection of pus from a cowpox sore prevented smallpox.
- The excuse for implying that he was morbidly afraid of syphilis is presumably that, in his small book, Cowpox and Vaccinal Syphilis, he tried to explain to doctors certain outbreaks of supposed syphilis in recently vaccinated groups of .
- Jenner's investigations lead him to establish that they had all contracted the much less virulent cowpox when they were young, and for some reason this more benign disease protected them form smallpox in later life.
- Jenner was the English physician who noticed milk maids who had been infected with cowpox seemed to never contract the more serious disease, smallpox.
- When Jenner developed his vaccine against smallpox, he used the cowpox virus.
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