Fraze exemplificatoare cu country
- The country was torn by civil war. (Un război civil dezbina țara.)
- The whole country was up, ready to drive out the enemy. (Țara întreagă se ridicase cu arma în mână pentru a-l izgoni pe dușman.)
- The whole country was with him. (Întreaga țară era de partea lui.)
- This is the country from which the trip originates. (Este țara din care pornește călătoria.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Once upon a time there was an old country, wrapped up in habit and caution. ... We have to transform our old France into a new country and marry it to its time. (Demult, exista o țară bătrână, învăluită în obiceiuri și precaută. Trebuie să transformăm vechea Franță într-o țară nouă și să o adaptăm timpului său.) - Charles de Gaulle
- It does no harm just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn't in flames, that there are people in the country besides politicians, entertainers, and criminals. (Nu se întâmplă nimic dacă, din când în când, recunoaștem faptul că nu toată țara este în flăcări, că mai există și alți oameni în țară în afară de politicieni, oameni de divertisment și criminali.) - Charles Kuralt
- I have no relish for the country; it is a kind of healthy grave. (Satul nu mă atrage deloc; e un fel de mormânt sănătos.) - Sydney Smith
- Genius is of no country. (Geniul nu aparține niciunei țări.) - Charles Churchill
- Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair. (Ce păcat că oamenii care știu să conducă o țară sunt ocupați să ne tundă sau să conducă taxiuri.) - George Burns
- America: the only country in the world where failing to promote yourself is regarded as being arrogant. (America: singura țară din lume, unde eșecul promovării personale este privit ca aroganță.) - Garry Trudeau
- The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. (Lumea este țara mea, toți oamenii sunt frații mei și a face bine este religia mea.) - Thomas Paine
- The rich are the scum of the earth in every country. (Cei bogați sunt scursurile pământului în fiecare țară.) - G.K. Chesterton
- The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border? (Este un lucru splendid când cineva își iubește țara. Dar de ce trebuie să moară iubirea la hotare?) - Pablo Casals
- Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right. (Țara noastră, bună sau rea. Când e bună, s-o păstrăm așa, când e rea, să o schimbăm.) - Carl Schurz
Alte exemple de fraze cu country
- I would like to stress that it is more convenient to control tariffs as a bloc rather than country by country.
- The victorious country dictated the terms of peace to the defeated country.
- Social customs vary greatly from country to country.
- Manners and customs vary greatly from country to country.
- No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.
- Social customs vary from country to country.
- Eating habits differ from country to country.
- My fellow Americans : ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
- This country was subject to a neighboring country.
- Tell me something about your country.
- I want to know about your country.
- His name is known all over the country.
- I want to know more about your country.
- He took his way to the country.
- His name is known to everybody in this country.
- I want to know about your country so much.
- He said nothing to the country.
- He is well know in our country.
- Do you like the country?
- There seems no need to help that country.
- They went down to the country.
- Which country are you from?
- Everybody loves his country.
- I'd like to move in to the country.
- The report soon became known all over the country.
- Everyone loves his country.
- There were no Japanese in this country.
- Who ruled this country?
- They were never to return to their country.
- The war gone against the country.
- There are many cities in this country.
- Each country has its own customs.
- Do you like to live in the country?
- I live in the country.
- You must go to a foreign country for yourself.
- I would like to have seen him before he left the country.
- Every country has its own history.
- It's a beautiful country.
- This country is really going to the dogs!
- This country has four seasons.
- I wish to be buried in this country.
- She is by far the best player in that country.
- You'll soon get used to living in the country.
- Some of them go without shoes in this country.
- They cannot do without camels in this country.
- Japanese is not used in this country.
- I will come to your country some day.
- My country is far away from Japan.
- My home is in the country.
- The best way to know what a country is like is to go and see it with your own eyes.
- The country must be very beautiful.
- The country is well on the way to industrialization.
- The law of a country must be followed.
- Do you have much snow in your country?
- There are several peoples in the country.
- I go to the country ever summer.
- I am anxious to see what there is to be seen of the country.
- There is no one but loves his own country.
- I go to the country every summer.
- I like to walk in the country.
- The country is very different from what it was just after the war.
- I went for a drive in the country.
- I was brought up in the country.
- I can't help loving my country.
- I am all alone in a foreign country.
- I would rather live alone in the country.
- Have you ever been to a foreign country?
- He traveled around the country.
- They defended their country.
- He was exiled from his country.
- He wandered about the country.
- He has an estate in the country.
- He dwells in the country.
- He is an honor to our country.
- He is one of the best brains in our country.
- He lives all by himself in the country.
- Each country has its own custom.
- He was exiled from his own country.
- As singers go, she is among the best in the country.
- He betrayed his country.
- She lives in the country.
- The best way to know a foreign country is to go there yourself.
- He is known to the entire country.
- He traveled throughout the country.
- They are at war with the country.
- I grew up in the country.
- They settled in the country.
- If anything, the economy in our country is going up.
- They abandoned their country.
- They invaded the country.
- He seems to have left the country.
- He returned to the country whence he came.
- I'm a country boy now.
- We banished him from the country.
- Our country is in a crisis.
- His name is familiar to everybody in the country.
- The whole country was excited by the news.
- America is a country of immigrants.
- Along with his children he fled the country.
- America is a country on the move.
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