Fraze exemplificatoare cu cloth
- This cloth wears well. (E o stofă care se poartă bine.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu cloth
- Microfibre cloth is cloth woven from fibres as narrow as a hundredth of the width of a hair.
- We are cut from the same cloth.
- They were really cut from the same cloth.
- This cloth will not last long.
- Cut your coat according to your cloth.
- I prefer this cloth to that.
- There is a yard of cloth.
- This cloth irons well.
- This cloth is superior to that.
- This cloth wears well.
- Cut one's coat according to one's cloth.
- You had better see the cloth with your own eyes.
- Cut the cloth in a diagonal direction.
- The cloth was dyed bright red.
- Cut your coat according to your cloth. [Proverb]
- This cloth feels like velvet.
- The cloth absorbed the ink I had spilled.
- She cut up the cloth to make bandages.
- The cloth was torn to shreds.
- We use cloth to make clothes.
- She spread a cloth over the table.
- She bought a yard of cloth.
- Why don't you polish the shoes with this cloth?
- This cloth is made of cotton.
- It is a story made out of whole cloth.
- The girl tore the cloth.
- This cloth is sold by the yard.
- This cloth tears easily.
- This cloth will not turn color.
- This cloth is agreeable to the touch.
- This cloth adheres to the skin.
- This cloth absorbs water well.
- This cloth feels soft.
- This cloth feels smooth.
- She bought six yards of cloth for a dress.
- Mayuko wiped a table with a cloth.
- My sister bought five yards of cloth.
- Why did you tear the cloth instead of cutting it with scissors?
- I need a lot of cloth to make a long dress.
- She has bought some cloth; she is going to make herself a dress.
- Clean the window with a damp cloth.
- These trousers are made of durable cloth.
- Kate spread the cloth over the table.
- Black cloth absorbs light.
- That table cloth urgently needs washing.
- This cloth is good in quality for its price.
- She spread a beautiful cloth on a table.
- The girl made a doll out of a piece of cloth.
- Honest men and knaves may possibly wear the same cloth.
- The waitress spread a white cloth over the table.
- 5. When the reaction is over, place the test-tube on a damp cloth.
- That red cloth is a "fukusa" it is a vital tool used to cleanse the tea equipment.
- What were the balls made of? Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians made balls out of soft leather or cloth.
- Shall we go for a leather-covered sofa? A cloth-covered sofa?
Exemple din articole cu cloth
- by zphaze G-string Cloth G-String ( alternatively gee-string or gee string ) is a type of underwear , a narrow piece of fabric, leather or plastic.
- The cloth is known by a number of local names although the term tapa is international and understood throughout the islands that use the cloth.
- Stuff-It from Carson Optical is a patent pending lens cleaning system that features a super-soft microfiber lens cloth housed inside a protective pouch.
- This cloth Fancy Nancy doll is 18 inches tall.
- My husband is still convinced it's the cloth diapers that are keeping her from taking long naps so tomorrow we may try a FuzziBunz all-in-one pocket diaper we have because some commenters suggested pocket diapers for naps.
- Originally Dallas and I wanted to cloth diaper right from the beginning.
- To assist in fund raising efforts, in the month of February, Tracy Whittemore and Lisa Adkins from The Cloth Diaper Company have so graciously offered to match, product for product, each Cloth Diaper Company product sold (Drybees, .
- The Bud Cloth is what I came up with.
- 2010 Cloth Doll Studio Resources Hello and Welcome to a new year here at CDA Cloth Doll Studio Resources.
- We got the package today with the cloth diaper and wool longies from Nifty Nappy.
- (Please feel free to send us YOUR cloth diaper giveaway posts or link us to someone else's posts - just as long as it is for cloth diapers or anything cloth diaper related, we'll post it!) .
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