Fraze exemplificatoare cu cheer
- What cheer with you? (Ce se aude cu tine?)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu cheer
- I want to go and cheer.
- Cheer up!
- Cheer up! It will soon come out all right.
- Cheer up! Everything will soon be all right.
- "Cheer up," she said to me.
- Cheer him up when you see him.
- Please don't be so sad. Cheer up!
- I tried to cheer her up, but she did nothing but cry.
- A cheer went up from the audience.
- Do cheer up, Marie!
- The last three blocks! come on! cheer up!
- Cheer up! Things are not so bad as you think.
- Cheer up! I'm sure we'll be saved.
- We sent some flowers to the hospital to cheer her up.
- The situation is improving, so cheer up!
- Quit pouting. Smile and cheer up.
- I could not but cheer when my friend was handed the trophy.
- Hoping to cheer up his wife, Tom bought her a beautiful pearl necklace.
- When the singer appeared on stage the audience gave him the Bronx cheer, because he dumped his wife for another woman.
Exemple din articole cu cheer
- Cheer up! Kittens! May 18th, 2010 .
- I wasn't registered to race or volunteer, but it was Dawn's first triathlon and I was there to cheer her on.
- FOODPLAY ACTORS CHEER ON HEALTHY EATING Foodplay actors Kelly Sullivan and Joshua Midgett, dressed as broccoli, cheer on healthy eating during a live.
- Spreading Cheer with Unique Baby Shower Gifts.
- A loud cheer for Georgie as he points out that the Green Emperor of Railways has no clothes - he may even one day realise that existing passenger travel on railways also doesn't stack up greenywise.
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